Pokémon Who do you like more: Solgaleo or Lunala?

Which mascot do you like more?

  • Solgaleo

    Votes: 19 23.8%
  • Lunala

    Votes: 61 76.3%

  • Total voters


"I'm forever yours... faithfully" 💙💜
Oct 30, 2011
Sweet Heart Balloon
Glam Heart Balloon
Purple Flower Glow Wand
Pink Heart Balloon
Purple Heart Balloon
Sweet Feather
Glam Feather
Heart Glow Wand
Pink Feather
Purple Feather
So the new Pokemon games, Sun and Moon, will be out in less than two weeks! I'm pretty excited for it, though I'm not going to get it right away. I might not even get it at all, but I'm not sure yet. Back to my point.

I've been wondering which mascot people prefer. The only input I've heard is from someone who is getting both games so I guess they can't choose.

I like Lunala more because it's a pcyshic and dark type, and I find its design to be very appealing and intriguing.

Which mascot do you like more?
ugh, i dont even like any of the two honestly. recent pokemons haven been so ****ty, seriously. But lunaria anyway because i always go for the elegant legendary mascot.
lunala. imo solgaleo is kinda boring bc its just like a big lion thing. the bat at least has some unique twists on bat anatomy
ugh, i dont even like any of the two honestly. recent pokemons haven been so ****ty, seriously..

That's why I'm a bit skeptical on getting it. I'm not impressed with the "trials" they've introduced, or the new pokemon designs. I'm leaning more towards not getting it.

I think the only thing that makes me want the game so much is Lunala. Literally. If there is a new remake for Diamond and Pearl or something I'm going to find a way to get Lunala. Whatever it takes. (Also Fennekin and Popplio x3)
I like Solagaleo a lot more, but I'm getting Moon because my sister wants Sun (I don't use the legendaries, anyway, so I honestly couldn't care less which of the legendaries I get).
Lunala has a more interesting design in my opinion. Preordered Moon, guess I'm all set.
I greatly prefer Lunala over Solgaleo. I like bats in general, and Lunala's overall design just looks sleek. I also like the look of its signature attack, and its typing is good by me too.

Solgaleo is neat, but after we just got another lion in Pyroar last generation it feels sort of underwhelming to me.
I like Solgaleo better. Lunala last is unique I must say, but I love the whole sun lion thing. It's color scheme is gorgeous too <3 Huge fan of the white and warm colors
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I'm ok with Lunala but all the moon exclusives are meh. So that's unfortunate.
I prefer Lunala more because it feels more unique than Solgaleo. Solgaleo feels like a Metagross with different stats because of its type and ability combination.
Lunala for sure, it's the reason I preordered moon in the first place! I just think it looks more unique than solgaleo, with its overall elegant design and weird bat anatomy. Solgaleo just kinda looks like a big white and gold lion, no harm to it. I feel Lunala better represents its game, I could look at it and say "hey that's cool! It's a space bat and it couldn't ok like the moon if it put its wings in position!" Meanwhile with solgaleo it's like "Oh. It's... A recoloured Pyroar idk? What's up with its face? That doesn't fit the design at all. What is it meant to represent again?" But that's just my opinion. I'm glad I chose moon so I could get Lunala, even if the moon exclusives are not as good as the sun ones >~< (my beautiful Alolan ninetales, where you at!?)
I really like the design for Lunala with the cool star pattern in its wings. This is the first time my brother and I are getting the same version because Lunala is that awesome. I guess gts will be my friend for the Sun exclusives.
I prefer Solgaleo, but all my friends are getting Sun because they hate Lunala, and since I sort of like it I decided to just get it. Plus, my boyfriend already ordered Sun based on that, so I'm stuck with it now, even though I'm going to go out and buy a copy when it comes out, just in case I find it somewhere earlier.
I'm not actually a huge fan of either, but Lunala seemed more creative/unique to me than a sun lion :\
I like Solgaleo better because of his typing and ability. I agree that Lunala looks better, but imo I look more at it's actual competitive ability.

P.S Lanala is actually Physic/Ghost