Who do you ship da person above with?

Well let's just let the others post instead of us two posting again :p

Disregard this post for the game.
Dilute x That one persona 4 bag at anime expo THAT I FORGOT TO GET AND THEY RAN OUT -crying in corner-
Yeah my brother and I kinda went to the other side of the merchandise area and we bought him 2 kirito swords rofl, they were friggin' huge boxes so we couldn't carry anything else anddd I forgot about the bag xD It's alright though because I got free pocky \o/
Also more ships? seems like the popular ship for you right now is okaiimi x you idk c:
Mink x Ermine
What kinda pocky was it? * ^*
Also Dilute 'n Okaiimi are so cute 'n chill together, gaddamn xD
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Green Tea pocky! And yasss erminee uhm i have no idea who to ship you with Fruits x Apples because it's my fav fruit :3 other than strawberries
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