Who else is an early bird??

I love getting up early. I woke up at 7:51 AM today because I wanted to. I got on my laptop and 3ds because I can.
I sort of am. I really like sleeping late, but when I do get up super early, I feel like the day is a lot longer and I enjoy that.
I like getting up early, mostly because the mornings are the only time I feel pretty much okay. As the day goes on I get more tired so I like mornings. Normally get up about 6 or 7 :)
I can be. I used to sleep at 4-5am which was really bad for me but then I eventually got myself to sleep around 11pm or midnight. On rare occasions I'll stay up longer but I usually tend to wake up around 8:30am or earlier. I think the earliest I got up was around 6:15am (not counting school or work). :)
I feel more productive if I wake up early. If I wake up after 9am I am going to feel like crap all day. :l
i usually get up really late, afternoonish
even when it's school i try to get up as late as possible
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I do not get up in the early morning hours. I sleep throughout most of the day and I'm awake for most of the night. I am what you call a nocturnal being.
I used to be an early bird but my schedule became crazy and I was sleeping super late that I couldn't wake up earlier anymore. I would loveeeeeeeeeee to be able to wake up earlier but ah....
Does staying up until morning count as early bird LOL //jk
dude even if I get plenty of sleep I can't wake up early without being so tired orz