I hated Bunny Day last year. I thought it was the worst holiday of the entire year by far. But that being said, I'm kinda looking forward to it just to see what they do differently. I know there's new items but want to know if the new things are all that's different.
I didn’t start playing until last May, so this will be my first time properly experiencing it! c: I was able to get some eggs and furniture diys from someone on here who tt’d back. But I’m excited to get the rest of the diys since they match my island theme so well! The new items are adorable also c:
I'm looking forward to it! I love Easter and didn't get to play the NH version last year. I had to get my friend to give me a wetsuit in NL so I could get the diving egg. But I got all the egg furniture and it's still decorating my upstairs room.
I'm actually looking forward to it this year. Last year during bunny day season, I was immersed into villager hunting constantly, and TT'ed through bunny day week(s) quickly. Which in turn made it so I didn't have many eggs or anything. Thus I'm gonna be egg hoarding and snagging the new items this year.
My island is pretty bear-bones atm since I just finished flattening and clearing it out. The terraforming has been going well but it will be nice to add some life to it with the new bunny day items. The promo featured some really cute items so I am definitely hyped to obtain some of those. I also just really enjoy getting to see the seasonal NPCs.
I really wish the new shop bunny day items were diys. I have all the recipes and a surplus of eggs from last year so nothing to hunt for this year sadly.
But I loved doing it last year. I wish all the holidays were as involved as bunny day was.
I also really liked how zipper came to introduce us to the event a couple of weeks before the actual day. It was a great way to build excitement.
I am totally buying those bunny bush things when they come to the shop. I know exactly where they will go on my island so I'm excited for bunny day in that regard.
I am kinda looking forward to it. I am not not looking forward to it. I mean, I have nothing against bunny day. Not so much a fan of the bunny. But I think it will be fun finding eggs again. Just not as many as last year.
But as we completed the fishing and lots of other collecting, I may find finding eggs relaxing.
I am looking forwward to collecting spring petals though. I did not get to finish that last year so I have a few things to catch up on.
I’m looking forward to bunny day. I didn’t save eggs last year and for some reason only decorated my house. So going to collect eggs and recipes on my alt character. My second island was only started in January so need to get the recipes and decorate that island as well. I’m looking forward to the new items in Nooks. To bad no new DIY’s.
The items this year are 200 times better than the ones from last year, in my opinion. It's a shame that the piece of news says we won't be able to craft them, so I don't know what I'll be able to do with only one of each and that's it, unless we can somehow order them through the catalog, which I highly doubt because we can't order seasonal or holiday-specific items.
I'm looking forward to it, since the switch I had bought (Back when it was difficult to find switches and everywhere had sold out) arrived on the 18th. So I missed it by 6 days
I have some diys from the event, since my friends gave me some extras. But i'm ready to experience the egg hunting experience, seeing zipper stare soulless into my switch screen and over-all taking it easy with the event running for a week. So I don't have to rush and do it all in one day.
Idk if I would use any of the furniture afterwards but, its cute enough.
For the most part, I enjoyed it last year, although it was a little too long. That they're cutting it back to a week will be much better. Also, as has been mentioned, I think the timing was hard, as most of us were trying to get bells to advance the game. Being in a more secure position this year, it will be a little easier.
I got all the recipes last year, but I do have a few items I'd like to remake, so it'll be nice to do that. I kept 1 of each egg for my flamingo sanctuary and used the other extras for moving trees. Free energy is always good!
Looking forward to seeing the new items available in the shop. The few things I've seen so far look cute, and it's always nice to pop something fresh around the island.
I am. I'm curious how close it will work compared to last time. Will Zipper ask me to craft all items again?
The only thing I really hated most about Bunny Day last year TBH is the same thing I hate about all holidays, and that's the music plays the same song on repeat the entire day.
As I can remember, the villagers don't get broken like they did on Festivale, which is the worst event so far.
I'm always amped for Bunny Day. Even just seeing Zipper around is awesome since he's my favorite NPC. I forgot to take pictures with him last year so I definitely need to get on that this year.
I know the 2020 Bunny day got a lot of critique due to the length and egg spawn rates but I had fun. I'm sure I'll have fun this year too even though I finished the event last year. I really like the new items too and already have places figured out where I want to display them.
I personally didn't enjoy last years event, mainly for the high egg spawn rate and because I couldn't really get much use out of the DIYs, unlike the ones from the Fall and Winter events which I loved and have used a lot. I mentioned in the other thread though that while I didn't like last years one very much compared to later events and wouldn't TT back to replay it I am looking forward to this years Bunny Day mostly for the items that will be sold in Nooks Cranny as they look really sweet and I could see myself using some of them around the island for decorating purposes.