Who Else is LOOKING FORWARD TO Bunny Day?

I really like the new bunny day items this year. I think bunny day last year was just ill-timed. Nobody was fully set up the way they wanted in the game or had enough time to get used to it, and I think many people (myself included) were resistant to it. This year I'm going to try to look at it more positively. Last year I started during Bunny Day as my switch had not arrived so I couldn't fully enjoy it. I don't think I even had a ladder or vaulting pole at the time. Now I'm much more established and think I'll have the room to enjoy it more.

The villagers all looked super cute in their egg hats/outfits and a lot of the egg items are very cute. I'll be looking forward to making more Easter stuff and actually decorating my island for it this year. I can't wait for the little bunny topiaries! So cute!!
I’m looking forward to Bunny Day! Zipper is my favorite npc, and it makes me sad when everyone is mean to him. Also I love finding eggs and it didn’t annoy me last year either because I like playing slowly and wasn’t in a rush to gather materials. I’m not sure how much my main rep will do this year because she collected everything last year, but I can still do the entire event on my second character and I have another island that started in October so I can do the event there as well.
I probably wont play through bunny day to the extent that I did last year but I'm still excited to see my villagers dress up in their egg outfits! It'll be fun to compare photos from this year's bunny day compared to last year's. I'll probably just get the items from nooks when they are available and take a few pictures on the event itself then call it a day.
I'm looking forward to it because it's completely new to me and I haven't played anything quite like it before. I started my first file in June, and don't tt back to dates before I started. (My own rule.)
I'm looking forward to the actual event, but not Zipper. He kind of creeps me out. I'm super excited for the new items and stuff, though.
The new furniture looks so much prettier and better than the crap last year and zipper is funny. I’m not like toy day excited but it does break up some of the same old day to day stuff.

Also, people just hate stuff because they see other people hating it. I think that’s a lame reason.
I'm excited for Bunny Day in the sense that it's also around the time when sakura petals show up again and I'm in dire need of those.

Otherwise, I'm not especially excited for it. Won't even new DIYs, just stuff sold at the Nook's store :/
I’m looking forward to it a bit. I purposely didn’t go all out getting all the diys last year so that I’d have something to do this year as well.

It also sounds like it’s only 1 week this year compared to 2 weeks last year so that’s a welcome change.
I'm looking forward to it! the furniture and stuff seems a lot nicer and it is generally a nice event. i think a large part of my problem with it last year was the intensity of it combined with the fact it was so early on in the game that we didn't have much 'normal' time before the dramatics of an event. now I'm excited to have an event happen and bring me back to the game!
I actually enjoyed it mostly. I did get a bit tired of so many eggs but overall I enjoyed it and am looking forward to this years Bunny day and the new items.
I'm excited for Bunny Day in the sense that it's also around the time when sakura petals show up again and I'm in dire need of those.

Otherwise, I'm not especially excited for it. Won't even new DIYs, just stuff sold at the Nook's store :/

At least this year bunny day is supposed to be March 28th - April 4th. And Cherry blossoms are April 1st - 10th there’s a bit of overlap but not as bad as last year.
i definitely believe it'll be more enjoyable this time around. i'm really happy to see they're adding new items for it, and with the egg nerf from last year i don't think it'll be too bad!
After the patch during last year’s Bunny Day I thought it was a top tier event, so I can’t wait for this year’s! I actually already have my decorations up around the island and I love hearing the villagers talk about it. I’ve tried to spoil myself with what the new items look like, but everyone has said they look great so I’m really excited to see those!
I'm looking forward to it! Last year, I got the game by the end of April. And because I don't TT, I missed the bunny day and the cherry blossom season so I'm eager to finally have those items/diys and the new stuff!! 😆
I’m looking forward to when it ends lol.
(But really though, it will be a lot more enjoyable now that I don’t gotta hoard materials anymore.)
Although I'm not such a big fan of Bunny Day, I'm looking forward for it, mainly because I would like to get the new items. I just hope that this time the eggs will not overtaken the whole island so much like last year.
I'm looking forward to it! I reset my island in January so I don't have any of the items or recipes. I didn't like it last year because of the ridiculous amount of eggs everywhere but now that it's been patched and the event's been shortened, I think it'll be quite fun! Some of the items are quite nice, and I love their pastel colors.
Looking forward to it and the new items as well! I wanted a big chocolate rabbit last year and looks like there's at least a small one this year. Easter is probably my favorite holiday aesthetic-wise (bunnies, pastels, eggs... what's not to love?)
Me! I just want that new plant item. Also the sign it its customizable. If not customizable then I don’t really have use for it.
its always fun to participate in the events, but im not super excited either since i did it last year. i think that it may be more enjoyable this time since i wont feel pressure to finish the event if i dont want to