Who enjoys gardening/plants?


Senior Member
Jun 21, 2017
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I don't remember if there was a thread like this, but I love gardening. I am sure there are many or some members here who enjoy the same hobby. Currently one of my hobbies and what I enjoy doing is vegetable/fruit gardens. It's just fun to grow things from seeds, see where it goes, and learn along the way. For example I came across a loofa plant at some nursery. I had no idea a loofa was a gourd. I always assumed it was some kind of sea-sponge or something. I had to buy one to see how it grew and experimented. It was quite the process from gourd to loofa and honestly I'm not sure it was worth all the trouble, but it was a fun experience.

I always enjoyed gardens, but mine really took off in 2021. I am not sure if it was because of the pandemic or the fact that I had become someone's caregiver and it was honestly quite a stressful time for me. I felt alone when family piled that responsibility on me, washed their hands, and ran for the hills. I would never blame them for how things happened and since I had to be home a lot because of that I needed some kind of hobby outside to keep my sanity.

My garden wasn't always this size, but over the years I have kept adding to it. I will keep things in spoilers so not to stretch the thread out.
This is the main part where all the squash, melons, tomatoes, peppers and other types are planted.

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I always like how the squash grow little flowers on them. It's pretty.
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I always switch this up with the boxes that I made and will plant all kinds of single yield vegetables like carrots, onions, beets, turnips ect.

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I've been using someone's dehdyrator mostly for fun and the heck of it. I had some watermelon in my fridge that was going to go bad before I ate it because it's not really my thing, but I still grow it. It takes forever to dehydrate watermelon and I didn't know what to expect, but it turned out really good. I know these look kinda gross, but they taste great. It tastes like a fruit-roll up, but probably way healthier. I ate most of it before I decided to take a picture because it tasted so good. Help it took like 20 hours and I ate it in like 2 minutes. 😭

I'm currently testing out blueberries which I hope won't take as long.
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So who else enjoys gardening or have outdoor/indoor plants and enjoy the hobby in some capacity? If you don't mind, I would like to see what kind of neat set-ups you all have or what kind of plants you all grow!