Who has actually read the Bible?

Have you read the Bible?/ You're opinion on its teachings.

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Well i am mostly a scientologist (A religion where you believe in god although you do believe in events such at the Big Bang and Theory Of Evolution)/atheist person, but i have indeed read the Bible.

Don't Scientologists believe that frozen human spirits were dropped in volcanoes by aliens or something like that? That would run contrary to the theory of evolution.
I used to read the kid's bibles all the time when I was a kid.

Now I never really read the bible or go to church or anything, but I do still believe in the Christian God.
Never read the whole Bible, but I did read fragments and as a kid, had an illustrated one for children that I'd read a lot. However, I am not religious for years now, so I am not interested to pursue it further, nor do I agree with it. But I do know quite a few parts of it.
I was loosely raised as a Pagan by two Wiccan parents who didn't really force me into any ceremonies or beliefs, because they believed I shouldn't choose a belief system until I was old enough to understand it better. I stayed Wiccan for awhile before realizing that I felt better associating with Asatru, and then far more comfortable identifying as Rokkatru. I've identified as Rokkatru for most of what I consider the "religious" part of my life, but considering my gods' advice is basically "Do whatever the hell you want, but try not to kill anyone too dead," I wouldn't say I'm particularly pious.

So... No, I've never read the Christian Bible.
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Don't Scientologists believe that frozen human spirits were dropped in volcanoes by aliens or something like that? That would run contrary to the theory of evolution.

I'd be interested to hear what Iggy has to say if they actually are involved with the Church of Scientology, or even with any branch off groups.

Have I read the bible? Not all the way through. I've read the Pentateuch but I gave up afterwards. And the only reason I read those was because I would get bored with sermons at church.
well, my parents were never super serious about religion (we don't even go to church anymore), so i've only read the kiddie version of it. i mean, nowadays, i don't even know if we could be considered christians, or if atheists would be a better title, since both my stepfather and i don't believe in god. i tried to read the actual (not kiddie) bible when i was very young, and i just found it boring. i think it's full of nonsense, but i respect people who are religious and believe in god
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I've not read it but obviously I know a lot about because school makes sure you know a lot about it...
Anyway, I'm atheist and I wouldn't want to read it fully.
I'm Buddhist, so I never read it. Those people who put some passages of the Bible on their Instagram like people would search it up, yikes.

i see the bible as the greatest fiction book ever. greatest cuz it got so many people actually believing it.
it literally says gays are a sin,, women should be opressed,, its okay to kill animals for food etc. i could never agree with some of the ridiculous verses in the bible. i have no problem with religious people but i do feel like they cherry pick the verses that are the most convenient to them. the bible also says its a sin to cut your hair and wear clothes made of multiple or mixed materials. so basically almost everyone would end up in hell. its also dumb that you can ask god for forgiveness when you decided to ef everything up and dont follow the bible and then thinking you can just ask forgiveness like 0,1 seconds before you die. they should have trials like in game of thrones with the faith of the seven then. i didnt even believe christians existed in my country (netherlands) untill once in elementary school a teacher said to put your hand up if youre christian or religious or something and half put their hand up. xD
some of its logic is very flawed like when someone gets something terrible done to them like being shot and some christians like the westboro baptist church and some others go like: MWUAHAHAHAHAH GODS WRATH YOU SINNER. while meanwhile they claim god gave everybody free will so if someone decided to shoot the other then that wouldnt be gods will. if god would be able to manipulate that free will it wouldnt be truly free will.
it also doesnt make any sense if the devil would punish sinners like if god rejected sinners from entry to heaven then he would most likely welcome them with open arms instead of doing gods work by punishing them cuz he finally getting some homies to hang out with. unless he would do it out of anger that they didnt follow gods words and decided he should punish them cuz he wanted to get in heaven and he lost his chance by doing something stupid so he teaching them a lesson. but if that was the case he wouldnt even evil to begin with. seriously after thinking about this last part what i said about the devil this makes my brain even more confused how the bible can be just so contradicting.