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Who is going to win/won E3?

Nintendo- will announce Zelda wii, fan boys will *censored.2.0* bricks over the rehash.

Microsoft- More will be announced about CoD Black Ops and Halo Reach. They could win, as long as they don't go too crazy with NATAL hype.

Sony- Contending with Microsoft for first. Just like Microsoft, if they don't focus to much on Move, they could win.
Move sucks

Natal sucks

Don't know what games are coming out for PS3 that I am interested in so idk if Sony will win.

Nintendo has a big chance of winning, 3DS, new Zelda, new metriod, ect.
Sony could own it (InFamous 2 anyone?) but I think Nintendo will come out with some surprises.
David said:
Nevermore said:
David said:
Gnome said:
Quoting limited to 4 levels deep
Both games are completely new stories, and very different than the previous chapters, what you said about Halo/CoD can also be said about Zelda so it's irrelevant.

The rest of Nintendo's conference will be people standing on stage flinging their arms around with demonstrating the new Wii game like they do every year. Microsoft will be showing off Natal, and new original games, unlike Nintendo's re-hash show.
Natal is a rehash of technology Sony had years ago. Just overpriced.
Do some research before pulling stuff out of your ass.

PS2 Eyetoy says hi.
Hopefully my doctor appointment isn't long. I'm not missing 1 minute of E3! But here is my top three.

OK... the Wii "hey, mom + dad + grandma + grandpa can play too!!!" trend continues with Kinect. Pass. Same thing with Move, I bet, although I anticipate that Sony will lean more toward the hardcore gamer.

Kinect is DOA. The rumored price -- according to a Gamestop listing, anyway -- is $149. Yeah, right, like **that** is a mainstream price. Remember, that's just the camera set WITHOUT the actual console! The 360 Slim looks kick-ass, though, and a great price to boot. But mom and dad will likely jump for the cheaper option on the market, which is the Wii at $199. I'm sure Nintendo will drop the price to $149 soon, as well. Maybe they don't even need to.

I say the following as a fan of gaming and not of any particular company -- Nintendo has this E3 in the bag. Between Zelda, Pikmin 3, some cool heavy-hitting Wii RPGs from Japanese developers (Last Story, Xenoblade), a bevy of 3DS games + the actual hardware, the only way they can "lose" (I hate this term, by the way) is if they focus too much on Wii Party, the Vitality Sensor, etc...
Bulerias said:
OK... the Wii "hey, mom + dad + grandma + grandpa can play too!!!" trend continues with Kinect. Pass. Same thing with Move, I bet, although I anticipate that Sony will lean more toward the hardcore gamer.

Kinect is DOA. The rumored price -- according to a Gamestop listing, anyway -- is $149. Yeah, right, like **that** is a mainstream price. Remember, that's just the camera set WITHOUT the actual console! The 360 Slim looks kick-ass, though, and a great price to boot. But mom and dad will likely jump for the cheaper option on the market, which is the Wii at $199. I'm sure Nintendo will drop the price to $149 soon, as well. Maybe they don't even need to.

I say the following as a fan of gaming and not of any particular company -- Nintendo has this E3 in the bag. Between Zelda, Pikmin 3, some cool heavy-hitting Wii RPGs from Japanese developers (Last Story, Xenoblade), a bevy of 3DS games + the actual hardware, the only way they can "lose" (I hate this term, by the way) is if they focus too much on Wii Party, the Vitality Sensor, etc...
I'm not so sure that Nintendo will give the Wii another price cut anytime soon, since they kinda just gave it a pseudo price cut by including a $50 game with all new Wiis, with the same $199 price tag.