Who is in your RV Campgrounds | Daily & Summoned

Hello I am looking for any of these Sanrio RVs to visit: Cinamaroll, Purin and Kerokerokeroppi). Willing to pay generously with a combo of tbt, igb, items, and / or hybrids!:)
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I would love to visit any Sanrio RV (Pompom Purin mostly!)
as well as any Splatoon or Zelda RV (especially Link or Sheik)
Can tip in IGB, hybrids or perfect fruit. Thank you :)
I'd love to visit anyone with a Sanrio rv or the 7-11 one! Also if anyone is able to get Ketchup in an rv and move her to their town and get her to move so I can adopt her let me know for that too! I'd also be interested in visiting anyone with her RV to get the items she has! Feel free to PM or VM me!
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I do have a wolf link amiibo I can use to summon today (though if by some random chance somebun has a Felyne summon I'd love to visit :eek:)
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Would love to visit Rover's RV. Can tip in perfect peaches.

Also, have Zipper T Bunny in my camp right now.
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I have Wendell in my RV camp today if anyone wants to visit :3
I'm looking for Celeste and Callie.
hi all! today I have Blanca camping, and Celeste summoned. leave a comment on my profile if you need either of them :)
I have Wendell and W. Link if anyone would like to come to my town and talk to them. Send me a message and I'll add you and vise versa.