Who is the best new horizons villager?

Who is the best new horizons villager?

  • Sherb

    Votes: 11 10.0%
  • Cyd

    Votes: 6 5.5%
  • Dom

    Votes: 19 17.3%
  • Raymond

    Votes: 21 19.1%
  • Audie

    Votes: 13 11.8%
  • Judy

    Votes: 12 10.9%
  • Megan

    Votes: 6 5.5%
  • Reneigh

    Votes: 11 10.0%
  • I dont like any of them so...

    Votes: 11 10.0%

  • Total voters


Senior Member
Aug 15, 2017
Tasty Cake
So since the game has been out a year and hype for them has died down and many of us have had time to meet and get to know them. I was wondering how people viewed the 8 newest villagers to the series.

Dom is my boy. i made it a point to have him on several of my islands in the past but this time I just picked a map from the first roll so it hurts a little to not have him there as he’s come to epitomize the jock personality for me in NH. But I believe I’ll find him again someday, when Scoot has decided to move on :)
This was a hard choice as when I first got the game it was only really Sherb I really wanted out of the new villagers but before I found him I picked up both Judy and Raymond while island hopping and currently have all 3 of them as permanent villagers on my island and really love them all. I voted for Judy though as she's the one out of the three that took me most by surprise as I thought with her slightly odd eyes that I wouldn't be keen on her but I've grown to really love her and the cute pastel colour scheme, also I really like the snooty personality.
i adore judy, she is now my 2nd favourite villager after wolf link because she is so cute & sweet and her design is beautiful, i love how her colours blend 💕
of course raymond is amazing too, had to mention him because he is one of the greatest villagers i've had and i have had many villagers 😂
I think all of them are great and have nice designs.

My favorite has been Reneigh. She's so pretty.

I used the campsite method to find her and she was the very first sisterly villager to appear in the campsite. Amazing luck. I thought it would take a while for her to appear because I don't time travel.
I love most of the cats and Raymond is no exception. He gets my vote. After Raymond, in this order: Dom, Sherb, Judy. Last place goes to Cyd. I am starting to like some elephants but did not hit it off with Cyd.

Initially I was one of the people that didn’t like Judy for her eyes, but after I met her at my campsite and had her for awhile, I grew rather attached to her. I don’t like pastel much but I actually like her color scheme strangely. 😅

Sherb and Dom I didn’t like right away either until I saw people’s pictures. I had Dom but let him go, which I now greatly regret. I just loved his expressions and how I’d always find him playing more than exercising. And those eyes 🥺 which I didn’t use to like. I still have Sherb and I love him still so much. but with limited room on my island, I’m debating getting Dom again. It’s either that or not get two of my other favorites who I planned on getting after I cycle through some villagers (I want to meet and bond more first) — Ankha and Marshal.
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Judy for sure! I wanted her before they even released the names of the new villagers. Her design is just so cutesy and sparkly, everything I love. I've spoiled her rotten on my island, her wardrobe is absolutely impeccable lol. Sherb is a close second, that precious baby can do no wrong.
I'm partial to both Cyd and Reneigh, but I haven't gotten Cyd on my island yet so I'm witholding my final verdict on him. Reneigh though, is just awesome. I'm surprised she isn't more popular among the cohort of new villagers. Is it because she's uchi? Anyways, I love her--she looks great with the undercut and pierced ears, she acts like the cool older sister/best friend I never had, she zooms all around the beach like a proper horse~ What's not to love?

I started with Sherb as one of my first few villagers--didn't even realize he was new for the first few weeks I had him. I'm not a fan of the goats in general, something about their head shape is off to me. Sherb is okay though. He initially struck me as really plain, but he's so cute snacking under a tree, dozing off, staring up into the sky, etc. I may be getting attached, help! I probably won't keep him forever, but I'm warming up to the little guy.
I have no room right now. Thanks though 🙏. I’m not in a rush to change my villagers right now anyways since I’m just starting to get back to playing regularly.
No worries at all :)
I want the photos of the 8 of them so I have dom and reneigh on my island but I kinda hate them both so as soon as I have the pics they are gone gone gone XD
I also have Judy but my friend called dibs on her.
Voted Judy. I really like her colors and she's cute.
My second favorite would be Megan. She just looks so happy and friendly and huggable. It's almost tied between the two and I'd probably choose Megan over Judy to have on my island, but I don't want Raymond to win. 😈

Dom just moved in and he's funny, but not really a favorite. At least not yet. I like his colors and his eyes are okay, but I think I just find him a little intense? I don't know.
Voted Judy. I really like her colors and she's cute.
My second favorite would be Megan. She just looks so happy and friendly and huggable. It's almost tied between the two and I'd probably choose Megan over Judy to have on my island, but I don't want Raymond to win. 😈

Dom just moved in and he's funny, but not really a favorite. At least not yet. I like his colors and his eyes are okay, but I think I just find him a little intense? I don't know.
My vote was Megan.
Shes the only normal villager I've not hated. They're all so generic and boring. Like molly is a default cartoon duck. But Megan? Not a typical villager at all. She's like an adult care bear.
I moved her to my island for this reason but was unsure of if I would like her. She's now my second favourite villager of all time. Never ever letting her leave.

However, I completely respect your reasoning to vote Judy XD
I voted Sherb but I really like Judy as well. I've never considered any of the newer villagers as permanent residents or dreamies, but those 2 come mighty close. Sherb is ultra cute, and Judy has a pretty awesome design.

I have all eight of the new for New Horizons villagers and I like all of them but I probably like Dom the best because he and Katt were my very first villagers in this game and even though he's a jock he's not all that jocky.
I've only met Cyd, Megan, Dom and Judy on Mystery Islands, so I can't relly give much opinion on them. I didn't invite them because I was looking for specific villagers at the time. But given a chance, I would love to invite them.

Sherb was previously my resident and I love him. He's so delicate and cute. But had to let him go after getting his photo for Bob.

Reneigh visited my campsite and invited her in because I liked her design. Marty replaced her. I got her photo and she's great but I didn't get attached like I did with other Uchi villagers before her.

I currently have Raymond. Heterochromia is cool. His cool anime guy trope design is great. It just feels like his smug personality doesn't really fit his design. He could've been a cranky, but without the old man dialogues.

I still haven't encountered the one I really wanted the most, Audie. The game probably hates me.
My vote is for Raymond. That smug cat with different colored eyes, he's stuck on my island ... forever lol 😄

Audie is another favorite tho. She looks like a fox with the coloring on her character, so cute! She was actually one of my first 10 villagers when I started playing New Horizons last year.

I came across Judy on a NMT island, nearly broke and invited her to my island. I think she's pretty, her pastel colors are gorgeous. I dont understand the fuss over her eyes (or Coco's eyes either).

So many cute and quirky villagers, I really wish we could put down more plots for villagers than just the 10. Also hoping Nintendo adds more diversity in the villagers conversation. Maybe im asking for too much 😅
Raymond because he was my first campsite visitor and I genuinely liked him as a villager. No, don't put me in the same group as those die-hard Raymond fans. I feel uneasy with the... stuff they put out.