Who is the best new horizons villager?

Who is the best new horizons villager?

  • Sherb

    Votes: 11 10.0%
  • Cyd

    Votes: 6 5.5%
  • Dom

    Votes: 19 17.3%
  • Raymond

    Votes: 21 19.1%
  • Audie

    Votes: 13 11.8%
  • Judy

    Votes: 12 10.9%
  • Megan

    Votes: 6 5.5%
  • Reneigh

    Votes: 11 10.0%
  • I dont like any of them so...

    Votes: 11 10.0%

  • Total voters
raymond, i just think business cat is cute tbh. i also really like sherb, reneigh, and megan. megan especially doesn't seem to get much love unfortunately, i don't think people know she even exists lol?
In order: Audie, Sherb, Megan, Cyd, Reneigh, Judy, Dom, Raymond

Audie, Sherb, Megan, and Cyd are all super cool.
Reneigh and Judy are alright.
Dom's okay but not my type
and I am just sick of Raymond
Dom is too cute tbh. i also like Raymond and Audie because theyre my fave villager species and their designs are pretty good.
I like all of them except Megan, so I didn't vote. I've had all the others on islands and they are lovely. None of them are "best" to me; they are all great. I'd like to give Megan a try someday. I met her on a mystery island a long time ago and didn't adopt her then. Haven't seen her since. I wouldn't pay a lot to trade for her, but if I find her, I'll try to adopt her and give her a chance.

I've invited several of these villagers more than once but the Reneigh I have (who came heavily gifted with clothing) has been there the longest. I've thought about letting her leave and bringing her back ungifted, but I kind of like the gifts and she is super pleased with the gifts her former island rep gave her.
This is a tough poll where I can only choose one! I adore both Reneigh and Judy, who are by pure luck both on my second island (Reneigh was my starter and Judy the third visitor to my campsite). I can’t really choose between them. For the poll I chose Reneigh, partly because I feel like Judy was more likely to get more love, and partly because Reneigh really changed my mind on the horse villagers in general, who I previously did not think I liked. Her eyes is particular are so pretty🥰

I like the sisterly personality type better, though Judy has become one of my favorite snooties because the impression she gives me is that she is a toddler pretending to be a mature lady. Also she has her insane 80s shojo eyes which make her much more interesting.

I think both Reneigh and Judy have such pretty designs and standout in their personality groups (though before getting her I did not think I was a fan of Reneigh at all)

Cyd also lives on my second island right now, and he is adorable. I love his coloring a lot, and he is really cute. If I planned to have a permanent cranky I would possibly keep him forever.

Megan I think I would really love, she’s so cute with her candy colors, and Dom is very cute and funny too, but I have not met either of them in game.

Raymond is alright. I thought I would like him more than I did when I ran into him on dream islands. He just didn’t ‘click’ for me, like some villagers. I feel bad for him having to live in an office as his home, very not cozy and I feel like cats should have cozy places. But my friend does have him and love him and thinks he is super cute, so I was very grateful he decided to grace her campsite. It is hard not to love him a little more when I get her happy texts about how cute he is. I do like his fangs (just like merry’s 🥰).

Sherb is alright too. He is cute and simple looking. When he came to my campsite he just didn’t grab me, though I was kind of distracted at the time and not wanting another lazy, so did not really consider him. He really is very sweet looking and there is probably something defective about me that he doesn’t turn my heart into a puddle, honestly, but there it is.

Audie is my least favorite, though I don’t dislike her. Not sure why, other than she is a wolf, which is not a species I like. Plus several of my favorite villager designs are peppies so she gets overshadowed by that for me. I do think her house is really really cute though, to the point that I would almost consider her just cause of her house.

All in all a good group, though sometimes it is hard to escape all the hype and anti hype around them, unfortunately.
imo, audie is and will always be the best - even prior to the game’s release, she was the one dreamie of mine that i was desperate for and now that i’ve had her on my island for almost a year, i love her even more now. the inspiration behind her name never fails to make me smile and i love how vibrant she is! that being said, i’ve had sherb on my island for a few weeks now and he’s wonderful as well! he’s a cutie and i really like his interior! and even though i haven’t personally had her, i like megan, too. :)
I've only ever come across Judy, Raymond, Sherb, and Dom in-game.

I found Judy on a Nook Mile island while island hopping, and I only took her in because my S/O thought her design would grow on me--I found her eyes terrifying at the time. It turns out, he was right, and Judy has been the longest-residing villager on my island ever since. 🤣 Her pastel colours are gorgeous, I had a lot of fun decorating around her house, her expressions are so much fun, and she is so easy to dress up in cute clothes.

I intentionally went island hopping for Raymond because my S/O really wants him. Initially, I was slightly turned off by the excessive hype around him, but he has grown on me a lot. He is one of my favourite smug and cat designs. I used to feel bad that his house was an office, but now I can relate to that due to how long I've been working from home now. 😆

One of my friends had Dom as one of her two starting villagers and found Sherb on a Nook Mile island while she was looking for her first lazy villager. I thought I might like both of them more in-person, but eh, I am still pretty indifferent towards them. I wonder if it's mostly due to not building that personal connection with each of them day by day.

Sherb definitely gives off baby vibes, but like the other goat villager designs, I was turned off by how flat the face is. As for Dom, I thought I might like him more for the bright colouring and comical facial expressions, but I wasn't particularly interested in his design.

Now that summer is approaching, I would definitely take in Audie or Megan if I ever ran into them for their bright colours. Reneigh also has a very cool design that screams sisterly to me, so I wouldn't say no to her either. Cyd's side eye is adorable, and I like the energy his gives off, plus his birthday is very close to my S/O's.
I've only ever come across Judy, Raymond, Sherb, and Dom in-game.

I found Judy on a Nook Mile island while island hopping, and I only took her in because my S/O thought her design would grow on me--I found her eyes terrifying at the time. It turns out, he was right, and Judy has been the longest-residing villager on my island ever since. 🤣 Her pastel colours are gorgeous, I had a lot of fun decorating around her house, her expressions are so much fun, and she is so easy to dress up in cute clothes.

I intentionally went island hopping for Raymond because my S/O really wants him. Initially, I was slightly turned off by the excessive hype around him, but he has grown on me a lot. He is one of my favourite smug and cat designs. I used to feel bad that his house was an office, but now I can relate to that due to how long I've been working from home now. 😆

One of my friends had Dom as one of her two starting villagers and found Sherb on a Nook Mile island while she was looking for her first lazy villager. I thought I might like both of them more in-person, but eh, I am still pretty indifferent towards them. I wonder if it's mostly due to not building that personal connection with each of them day by day.

Sherb definitely gives off baby vibes, but like the other goat villager designs, I was turned off by how flat the face is. As for Dom, I thought I might like him more for the bright colouring and comical facial expressions, but I wasn't particularly interested in his design.

Now that summer is approaching, I would definitely take in Audie or Megan if I ever ran into them for their bright colours. Reneigh also has a very cool design that screams sisterly to me, so I wouldn't say no to her either. Cyd's side eye is adorable, and I like the energy his gives off, plus his birthday is very close to my S/O's.

I love that take on the office home! For me I was thinking of all those nights when I dream about my office and then go in and am like...did I even ever go home?? 😅

I agree that the hype can be hard to ignore, and get in the way of your actual sense of the villager. partly for me it is that you see the villager so much that seeing them in game is a bit...anticlimactic, like it loses some of the excitement.

on the other hand I may feel like that while clicking around the internet and then I open my second island and see Judy and just🥰
That is such a tough choice... Megan or Dom.
I really enjoy Megan, so I voted for her. She is just so cute and, well normal. I love the purple color as well.
Dom because to me it just seems like he has alot of expression. More than other characters. He is cute too.
I love that take on the office home! For me I was thinking of all those nights when I dream about my office and then go in and am like...did I even ever go home?? 😅

I agree that the hype can be hard to ignore, and get in the way of your actual sense of the villager. partly for me it is that you see the villager so much that seeing them in game is a bit...anticlimactic, like it loses some of the excitement.

on the other hand I may feel like that while clicking around the internet and then I open my second island and see Judy and just🥰
Awww, thanks! I get what you mean. Back in high school, I had the occasional nightmare where a teacher handed out a test and I could not answer a single question... I'm glad those dreams haven't followed me since then. 🤣

I think you hit the nail on the head! At least for me, it's almost like my expectations levels for a villager that receives a lot of attention is very high, then I meet them for myself in-game and all that comes to mind is, "That's it? Huh." On the contrary, the feeling of building that gradual rapport and relationship up with a villager that I was initially "indifferent-but-I'll-invite-you-for-kicks" towards is a wonderful feeling. 🥰

Hehe, Judy is usually the first villager who gets the move-out thought bubble whenever it activates again, and every time, I am just like, "Nooo, I'm not ready to let you leave yet." I'm looking forward to gifting her more cute clothes for the warmer weather, too! 😍
I chose Raymond because he was the first one of the bunch that I invited to my island. Sherb is dead second and could eventually be my fav once I get a good feel when he's on my island. Fun fact: I disliked Raymond on release because of his fanbase back then. However, when I was island hopping, I stumbled upon him and invited him out of curiousity. He was alright in my book and I gave him away to another user once I got his photo. It taught me how its better to separate a villager's popularity from the villager, something I do now when evaluating a villager invite.
You know know, I used to not like Reneigh. I thought she was rude and pushy at times. She is my starter villager. But after a year, I love her now! She's so cute and sweet. I dress her in nerdy clothes and she looks adorable.💕
Raymond! I love cats and he was my first campsite villager. He is, to this day, still on my island, making me the villager I had for the longest time. I wasn’t interested in him at all because the craziness that revolves around him at the beginning of the game really put me off. Then he showed in my first campsite so I was forced to get him and I remember that the first thing I thought was: okay, I can sell him later for crazy amount.
Needless to say that he has not been sold and I grew quite attached to him.