IDK some of the others, but I voted Gruff, because I hate him and he looks like a pervy old man. He reminds me of this old guy I worked for, who would ogle all the girls, say dumb creepy comments, and just make us all so uncomfortable. Ugh...gross gross Gruff.
I agree on Diana though, I can see her as a school librarian...but not old. More like late 20s-early 30s.
EDIT: just realized that wasn't "agreeing" with what you said at all. haha, just meant that she has the old vibe, but isn't old...if that makes ANY sense
I voted for Rolf. In new leaf he reminded me of a grumpy old man who still enjoyed to check up on me. He also gave me the nickname Youngin. The oldest looking villager would have to be Sven the goat though, too bad he wasn't on the list. Or Iggy, he was a pretty old looking goat if I remember correctly.
I was mainly putting New Leaf characters on the poll, but I did think of him. I was mainly focusing on Cranky and Snooty because of their personalities and voices.