I think we are forgetting Rasher. please move out of my freaking town...
Even Julian commented on how old he is. I delivered a package to him from Rasher, and the first thing he said was, "I'm surprised he even remembered it at his age." I should have taken a picture hahaha.
Beardo by far! Some of these I don't think look old at all. D: Graham looks like a dorky teen to me, Diana also looks young, as do Ankha, Lobo and Rolf. I guess it just goes to show that we view villagers really differently!
When I first played the GC version, I saw Vesta as being like a grandma sheep. Her room and her speech pattern just made me think she was an old lady. I still can't help but think of her as old even though she doesn't really look it.
Out of all these choices though I think Beardo looks the oldest.