Who is your animal crossing birthday twin?

Cyrano. He gets much undeserved hate from me. Poor guy, but I can't stand the dude.
I also share birthday with Min Yoongi tho, so I can handle it hahaha.
I'm not really sure, do any of the villagers in any of the games have Aug. 24th as their birthday? 'Cause that's mine!:)
I'm not really sure, do any of the villagers in any of the games have Aug. 24th as their birthday? 'Cause that's mine!:)
the wiki says nan and jacob has 24 august as their birthday
mine is purrl!
Croque and probably Beppe from Pocket Camp but i don't know when his birthday is. Some say it's July 18th, but the other one say it's July 17th
Hamlet :D I didn't even know that, haha and he's in my island now ^-^ Wonder how that will go when it's both our birthdays owo I also apparently share a birthday with Tom Nook lol

Birthday is May 30th :p
I apparently share mine with Tucker the lazy elephant (mammoth) and wow I wish I knew that sooner!

Elephants are some of my favorite animals in reality and the lazy personality is definitely my favorite in game aside from cranky so... cool to know! Neat thread!
I think it's Carrie the kangaroo?
No, it's Sylvia the kangaroo. I was close
Kitty, dunno how I feel about it, I love cats, and chocolate is great, she's just.. Not so great in my eyes haha.