Oh no no no,
I could never pick just one, I've encountered so many in my AC years both living on my island, and hhp, and are all precious:
(Aren't they an adorable pair?)
Yes, arguably one of my favorite villagers is Sasha, I absolutely adore him. He reminds me of Butters from South Park, hes such a cutie. I love my mint bunny. But is he my favorite lazy?
Sherb was my first lazy and I still have him to this day. Hes put up with alot since living with me. I cant imagine ever not having my derpy goat. Favorite lazy?
Then theres my adorable Moe, on my side island. Who's an absolute cutie and hes nice to everyone there. He's cheered up everyone he talks too. Probably brightens their day as much as he brightens mine:
Super sweet cat, 100% better then any lazy cat. Hes super cute, currently hanging with his bud Wolfgang in hhp.
Filbert was with me for a very long time. I had him since the beginning and on my first island, I love Filbert so much. Im planning on adding him to hhp soon. Hes on my list of villagers Ill add if I can ever get more. He's got a very special place in my heart, and I have him on pocket camp. I still miss him whenever I see him in past photos.
Filbert and Moe would tie. But its still hard to pick just one.