Who wants to come over / be friends? (:


Jun 22, 2013
0% (0) +
Planning on opening my gates in a little bit for a while, and I might as well add some more people before I do :)

All I ask is that you don't run except for on paths, or kill/steal flowers

Feel free to use the roost, as well as any of the shops on main street if you do, I'm pretty sure I have all of them unlocked!
Awesome, I've gt you added, lemme know whenever the gates are open. I probably won't be around too long since it looks like we're getting close to ready to eat, but I'll add you as a best friend when I get there so we can hang out more some other time. :D
Gimme a sec to fiddle around with my router because its doing silly things, and then I'll add you and open my gates right away :)
Hey! Add me! I'll be on in about 15 minutes, I need to do something first though ^^ I'll join you if there's enough room! c:
Aha, sorry to everyone that didn't get to come in, I'll add you both anyways though! :p

And anyone that did come, my appologies for the untimely error, I have no idea why it happened, but I didn't get to best friend you before it saved );
How strange that it had the error as soon as we tried to save!

I didn't get to best friend anyone, either. Hopefully we can get together to try again soon.
I would love to come visit if I can :D! My FC: 3539-9458-8317 Post or pm me if you have added me thank you ^^!
I've added everyone else from this thread, but I probaly won't be opening my gates again today, sorry! ): Probably tomorrow though! :)