Who were your first villagers?


The Smolest of Kitties
Aug 8, 2016
Yellow Tulip
Tasty Cake
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Who were the first batch of villagers you started with in your first town when you began playing Animal Crossing?
How do you feel about those villagers now? Do you feel nostalgia or a burning hatred for them?

I started my first town in Wild World, I remember having Pate, Goose, Caesar, and others that I forget.
I don't remember much about my very first characters in my very first AC game (I was like 4), but I do remember having Cookie as one of my first in my GameCube version. She was my favorite back then, even though I was never the "girly" type, and still continues to be one of my favorites for nostalgic reasons.
I still have Sprinkle, Rodney, and Gengi. Olivia, Barold, Fauna, Roscoe, & Harry are gone. My biggest heartbreak, however, was when my beloved Gayle left me without warning.
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I can't remember who they were in wild world, can remember from this town on ACNL though. I did have another town before it but I played it for such a short time I can't remember who was there and who wasn't.
For this town I started with Chrissy, Monty, Gigi, Rhodeo and Midge...and then those were followed by Diva and Flip. I had a really poor selection, in my opinion, of starter villagers
I don't really remember who was in my CF town... except for Roscoe, Victoria and Queenie, but in my original WW game I had Kiki, Pudge, Angus, Bud, Mallory and Bunny, I think. I don't actually remember who I started with in my other towns at all. Oops.
i don't remember everyone who was in my first game back when i was playing on gamecube, but i know i had olivia, camofrog and liz
Let's see... My first town was Lilycove back in 2013. (Yes, I started with New Leaf!) My starting villagers were Blaire, Puddles, Al, Peewee, and Kevin. My first move-ins were Klaus, Paula, Sydney, and Pierce. I forget who my first tenth villager was, sadly. But yeah! Those were my original villagers. X3
I have no idea who I started with for the GC version or for CF, but I know for New Leaf I started out with Pierce, Bonbon, Francine, Aurora and Ozzie. I still have all of them living in my town, and it's been nearly three years.
Dotty, Marcie, Monty, Moose, and Marcel.
I still have all of them except Moose, and him leaving was an accident (and if the villager limit is raised like some people speculate it might with the Fall update, I plan on bringing him back).
I started my first town in New Leaf.My first villager's were Molly,Freckles,Rizzo,Ali, and Drift.
I can only remember Pierce and Gaston.

Which is funny, because I don't care for jocks or crankys lol
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I cannot remember my firsts, since I was so young, but villagers that really stood out to me in my GC town (My first) were Cleo, Mathilda, and some ostrich. Not sure if she ever made it outta the GC game or if she's changed a little in appearances. I have a small feeling it may have been Gladys?
I can't really remember my Wild World villagers I had first but I think one was Hugh?
He's cool since we share a birthday :cool:

But I remember at least 3 of my New Leaf villagers:
Kitty Bonbon and Rizzo
Gosh I hated Rizzo but loved Kitty and Bonbon :D
I played CityFolk for my first AC and since I sadly couldn't start until the day after my brother and my dad did, I'll be listing 7. :(

Big Top (the villager that moved in the day I did, a day after the town was made)
it's kind of sad how i can't remember all my first villagers from my first game seeing as i've only started playing like maybe a year or two ago on acnl. but if i remember correctly it would be violet, knox, biskit, freckles, and i could have sworn canberra too but as she is uchi and those don't come till later... i dunno the last one. because i remember that buck then boone were the first ones to come in.
In Sycamore (NL) I had Rosie, Kiki (later moved out), Purrl, Boone, and Bruce.

In LOLzar (current NL town) my first villagers were Rosie, Rolf (later moved out), Rudy, Astrid (later moved out) and Punchy (later moved out).
I don't remember how many you start with, but I only remember five of mine.
Gruff, Velma, Bianca, Merengue and Curly.

Curly's still around, too. :)
Been nearly 15 years, but I can remember 4 of them. Astrid, Penny, Samson, and Lily were originals in the GameCube version. I totally fell in love with Lily, then about a couple years later, she moved, and that was it for Animal Crossing, but thankfully, that wasn't long before Wild World came out, and I gave the series a mulligan. Thanks to them now telling you BEFORE they move instead of a letter after, I'm back in love with the series.