Who's In Your Campsite?

Avery was in my campsite. I was actually interested in this cranky eagle, but space is limited. I am more saddened that I could not invite Flurry, who was in my campsite a few days further back, as she and Twiggy are at the top of my list of villagers to have move in.
Flurry, in Celadon. I love her town tune and that she plays K.K. Hypno, but she's kinda meh otherwise.
Gladys, for the second time. I passed her up and felt terrible about it (she's one of my favorite normals and I haven't had a camper in at least 3 weeks), but I already have two normals and I don't think I need a third.

EDIT: You know what? Screw it. I'm letting her move in.
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^ Gladys is the best normal. <3

Amelia is in Celadon's campsite. I like her a lot.

I feel like Celadon's campsite is the only one that gets a steady stream of campers.
Klaus is currently in my camp site. Ugh. I personally don't like any of the Bears, I think they're all scary looking.
No one because I haven't had anyone camp in my town for a while now. T___T The last two times I had someone in there, it was the same villager... twice in a row... some purple Koala that I don't know the name of. I think he was keen on trying to move into my town!
Currently Marshal. He's not really my cup of tea, but i'm toying with the idea of moving him in and then doing an auction/trade, somebody will appreciate the lil guy i'm sure :)
Axel. The only elephant I actually like is Tucker. I'm glad it wasn't a cute villager, since I have a full town.