Who's Planning On Watching 'The Last Airbender' Tomorrow?

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Thunderstruck said:
Lisamilitz said:
Thunderstruck said:
Lisamilitz said:
Wasn't there blind girl or something... or is that something else? :s
You mean, Toph?I heard she wasn't in the movie, shame D:
She looked cool though ;_;
SHe was always my favorite in the series :c
Toph wasn't in this movie, because she appears in Book 2: Earth or Season 2. If they make the second movie of the trilogy, she would be in it.
bittermeat said:
Thunderstruck said:
Lisamilitz said:
Thunderstruck said:
Quoting limited to 4 levels deep
She looked cool though ;_;
SHe was always my favorite in the series :c
Toph wasn't in this movie, because she appears in Book 2: Earth or Season 2. If they make the second movie of the trilogy, she would be in it.
That makes sense. Although after how bad it flunked i wouldn't be too sure of a sequel.
Frankly, I don't think the movie was that bad. I saw every episode in the series, and I still found it decent. The effects and bending were really good, however I didn't like all the changes. Regardless, I enjoyed the movie for the most part.
It's been confirmed that if you stayed after the credits (yeah right) that there's a scene where ong (hueheuehue) is chasing a deaf girl.

m. night confirmed for troll.
So, I saw Avata...er, I mean, The Last Airbender today with Andrew. After having read all of the bad reviews for it, I went to the theater expecting to be let down. To my surprise, I actually enjoyed it. I don't know where all of this negativity towards it is coming from. Sure, it's not phenomenal, but it's by no means horrible. The acting may not have been the best, but the casting was great, as every character felt much like their animated counterpart. Overall, I thought it was a great movie adaption of the first season of the animated series. Granted, I've only seen a few episodes of the show, so I don't know exactly how faithful the movie is to the original series, but it worked for me. And to those people who are complaining about the change in pronunciation of Aang and Sokka's names, perhaps you should learn proper Japanese pronunciation. One thing that always bugged me about the animated series is that it tried too hard to be Japanese but failed, especially with the manga-esque animation. At least the movie got the pronunciation of the names correct. Since the series was obviously inspired by Japanese themes, it makes sense to give the characters' names a proper Japanese pronunciation.
Tyeforce said:
So, I saw Avata...er, I mean, The Last Airbender today with Andrew. After having read all of the bad reviews for it, I went to the theater expecting to be let down. To my surprise, I actually enjoyed it. I don't know where all of this negativity towards it is coming from. Sure, it's not phenomenal, but it's by no means horrible. The acting may not have been the best, but the casting was great, as every character felt much like their animated counterpart. Overall, I thought it was a great movie adaption of the first season of the animated series. Granted, I've only seen a few episodes of the show, so I don't know exactly how faithful the movie is to the original series, but it worked for me. And to those people who are complaining about the change in pronunciation of Aang and Sokka's names, perhaps you should learn proper Japanese pronunciation. One thing that always bugged me about the animated series is that it tried too hard to be Japanese but failed, especially with the manga-esque animation. At least the movie got the pronunciation of the names correct. Since the series was obviously inspired by Japanese themes, it makes sense to give the characters' names a proper Japanese pronunciation.
But it was an American show. It would be like if there was a Spanish show with a character named Pedro, and they called him Peter in the movie. =P
Pear said:
Tyeforce said:
So, I saw Avata...er, I mean, The Last Airbender today with Andrew. After having read all of the bad reviews for it, I went to the theater expecting to be let down. To my surprise, I actually enjoyed it. I don't know where all of this negativity towards it is coming from. Sure, it's not phenomenal, but it's by no means horrible. The acting may not have been the best, but the casting was great, as every character felt much like their animated counterpart. Overall, I thought it was a great movie adaption of the first season of the animated series. Granted, I've only seen a few episodes of the show, so I don't know exactly how faithful the movie is to the original series, but it worked for me. And to those people who are complaining about the change in pronunciation of Aang and Sokka's names, perhaps you should learn proper Japanese pronunciation. One thing that always bugged me about the animated series is that it tried too hard to be Japanese but failed, especially with the manga-esque animation. At least the movie got the pronunciation of the names correct. Since the series was obviously inspired by Japanese themes, it makes sense to give the characters' names a proper Japanese pronunciation.
But it was an American show. It would be like if there was a Spanish show with a character named Pedro, and they called him Peter in the movie. =P
Ugh, no. It's like when people call Pok
Tyeforce said:
Pear said:
Tyeforce said:
So, I saw Avata...er, I mean, The Last Airbender today with Andrew. After having read all of the bad reviews for it, I went to the theater expecting to be let down. To my surprise, I actually enjoyed it. I don't know where all of this negativity towards it is coming from. Sure, it's not phenomenal, but it's by no means horrible. The acting may not have been the best, but the casting was great, as every character felt much like their animated counterpart. Overall, I thought it was a great movie adaption of the first season of the animated series. Granted, I've only seen a few episodes of the show, so I don't know exactly how faithful the movie is to the original series, but it worked for me. And to those people who are complaining about the change in pronunciation of Aang and Sokka's names, perhaps you should learn proper Japanese pronunciation. One thing that always bugged me about the animated series is that it tried too hard to be Japanese but failed, especially with the manga-esque animation. At least the movie got the pronunciation of the names correct. Since the series was obviously inspired by Japanese themes, it makes sense to give the characters' names a proper Japanese pronunciation.
But it was an American show. It would be like if there was a Spanish show with a character named Pedro, and they called him Peter in the movie. =P
Ugh, no. It's like when people call Pok

so... poh-kay-mon is different from poh-key-mon?

like pokey, instead of pokay? lawl. forgot about that pronunciation. so cosby was getting it right all along? lolololololol.
Tyeforce said:
Numner said:
Tyeforce said:
Numner said:
Quoting limited to 4 levels deepstill
Poke-to Monsutaa

I thought that'd be poh keh mohn
Um, ポケモン is "Poh-keh-mon". ポケットモンスター is "Poketto Monsutaa".
I meant the pronunciation for the kay.

But I found out that pokemon isn't even the Japanese name.

Also. pocket monster olol
Numner said:
Tyeforce said:
Numner said:
Tyeforce said:
Quoting limited to 4 levels deepstill
Poke-to Monsutaa

I thought that'd be poh keh mohn
Um, ポケモン is "Poh-keh-mon". ポケットモンスター is "Poketto Monsutaa".
I meant the pronunciation for the kay.

But I found out that pokemon isn't even the Japanese name.

Also. pocket monster olol
Uh, Pok
Tyeforce said:
Numner said:
Tyeforce said:
Numner said:
Quoting limited to 4 levels deepstill
Um, ポケモン is "Poh-keh-mon". ポケットモンスター is "Poketto Monsutaa".
I meant the pronunciation for the kay.

But I found out that pokemon isn't even the Japanese name.

Also. pocket monster olol
Uh, Pok
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