The stupid purple duck..Phyllis. Those who have ever wanted to get a perfect town should know what I mean.
I have done it four times..on my wii and ds game aswell as my friends wii and ds game.
Definately Resetti. My power went out while I was playing and I get back on a couple hours later after the power comes back and he's CUSSING at me. I think either my sister hacked it (about a 90% chance this is what happened) or my game's glitched (100 - 90% chance this happened.)
ressetti for sure especially when you get to the point where he makes you type exactly what he wants. You have to capitalize, space, and punctuate exactly the way he says it too. I darn near flung the wiimote at the tv.
Crazy Redd. I would pick Resetii, but I never had a problem with reseting so I never saw him. Redd on the other hand... He just doesn't cut it out with his CRRAAAAAZZYYY prices sales pitch. All the emotion he uses when trying to sell his furniture... It's too much. o: