I have multiple X patterns set up of flowers that should be making hybrids/flowers. I only water those, yet I am for several days straight only getting 1 flower/hybrid, while others seem to be getting 4 or 5. What am I missing here? Thanks in advance.
It's the same case with me, But I also have been seeing others claiming that they've been getting a higher amount each day too! I'm the same as you guys, I'm getting 1-2 a day, and this is with a garden of 60+ flowers
I water about 350 or so flowers a day, and get anywhere from 6-18 hybrids a day. Yes the range is that big. I don't think watering fewer amounts of flowers would produce more hybrids specific to that flower though, because of the range of hybrids I've gotten.
It's interesting. I don't think it's the same as in New Leaf. There I would focus on only watering certain flowers for one type of hybrid per day, but if doesn't seem to work that way now.
For example, I watered just my white pansies and got two blue. Fair enough. Then one day I decided to water everything and I got at least eight different hybrids. So now I'm watering pretty much everything and getting a good eight to ten different hybrids per day.
So my advice is to water all your potential hybrid flowers, don't focus on one type at a time.
yea ive planted and am growing around ~150 or more flowers per day, with each new flower produced added to the garden of breeding flowers (that feels so wrong to say!). i usually get 2 hybrids per day, but recently since growing a lot of black flowers ive been getting a lot of those. the more flowers ur attempting to breed the more likely u are to just get a flower. even tho i may get up to 5 hybrids in a day, im still getting a large amount of regular/basic colored flowers as well (white, yellow, and red).