Why do some people not want you talking to their villagers?

If you come over and talk to them, they might mention you to the player at some other point. Someone I traded with yesterday spoke to Goose and he mentioned them to me today about how they were a 'fellow tricep connoisseur' lol.
I personally don't mind this at all, I like having it happen, it makes the characters feel like they exist outside of talking to just my character, but some people don't want that to happen, I guess.
My original thought is so that their villagers don't bring you up in conversation. But this theory really doesn't hold up as I've had villagers bring up people in conversation that I know they haven't spoken to (they came and traded and left without even going into my island). So I'm not really sure? Some people are just weird about that kind of thing lol.
In WW and NL, your villagers would randomly mention people that had talked to them when visiting your town.

They do it forever.

I'm one of those people that doesn't want to hear Wolfgang talk about someone I don't know, for the lifespan of my town/island. :)
Yeah, you can't avoid villagers talking about visitors even if that person never spoke to your villagers so I don't understand why people care either. I've had people come over for a 5 second trade and then booted them off the island when we were done -- they never had the chance to speak to my villagers but my villagers still mention them.
I agree! I don't know why you wouldn't want it to happen. I for once love when they mention other players. I often get repeat dialogue so its nice to talk about smth else lol
Yeah, you can't avoid villagers talking about visitors even if that person never spoke to your villagers so I don't understand why people care either. I've had people come over for a 5 second trade and then booted them off the island when we were done -- they never had the chance to speak to my villagers but my villagers still mention them.

I do think that this is something that changed with this game, so maybe people just don't know about it yet. I don't remember villagers speaking of random people I traded with in New Leaf or past games.
This was a thing on New Leaf too. I've met a few people who think that you can steal their villagers if you talk to them. Others just don't like having them mention other players.

I don't get it. I like it when my villagers talk about my friends.
I personally don't like it when the villagers constantly bring up someone I don't know. I don't mind if its one of my friends characters or my husbands, but it just bothers me (I couldnt even explain why it does) when they start talk about a random person.
I really don't know because I've already had my villagers mention someone who came for like a second to do a trade and never spoke to my villagers so it does not make a difference if they talk to the villagers or not as they will mention anyone who visits you.
Yeah, you can't avoid villagers talking about visitors even if that person never spoke to your villagers so I don't understand why people care either. I've had people come over for a 5 second trade and then booted them off the island when we were done -- they never had the chance to speak to my villagers but my villagers still mention them.
That's a new thing in NH then; villagers talking about visitors even if they never spoke to eachother. I can imagine it's annoying for people who trade a lot and have many random people over. Personally I think it's cute and don't really mind.
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Personally I think it's cute and don't really mind.
I completely agree! I usually don't check the Dodo Airlines entrance screen for visitors- especially when I have my gates open for hours at a time while I'm working or drawing, I'm not checking to see who all is coming in and what their titles are (or else I'd never get anything done). I love when villagers will bring up some random visitor and their hilarious title in a conversation. There are a lot of (Adjective) Eggs visiting my town these days. :d
Yeah, it's the one thing I've never understood. Even if I disagree with someone, I can usually see their point of view, but this...