Why do you collect collectibles?


Senior Member
Sep 8, 2013
Throwback Tickets
Red Cosmos
Yellow Cosmos
White Cosmos
Sky Grass Scenery
I... don't remember if I made a thread like this or not. But I'm curious.
Why do you collect collectibles? Is it for the purpose of making line-ups? Or maybe something else?
I personally like having them to look at lol... I also like collecting a lot just to say I have a lot- and not so much thinking about lineups. If anything though, I'd like to rearrange them in my inventory so they're a bit more organized but.. I guess that's what date trading is about!!
I only had one lineup since I've been here, being ten Lobo collectibles. I had it as a joke lineup since he was my favorite of the villager collectibles we had at the time. I sometimes had five Lobo collectibles on the bottom, with five blue balloons on the top, another joke lineup of mine.

I do have a few collectibles just sitting in my inventory. Most of them were gifted to me and have sentimental value. I don't have enough interest in collectibles to make lineups, but a few of them are pleasing to look at!

I just think they're neat!
Quite honestly because I don't have enough self-control lol 😅 I guess I like the thrill of hunting for something and then obtaining it, even if it's just a pixel and I have a billion other things I should be doing
I like looking at them but also having something to remember the events I've done!
I prefer to keep one of most things, so extras go to art buying.
originally i didn't really care for them, i was happy with anything that i got but!!!!!! i've learned the painful joys of making lineups and it's been pretty fun
plus i like the pretty pixels nods nods
originally i didn't really care for them, i was happy with anything that i got but!!!!!! i've learned the painful joys of making lineups and it's been pretty fun
plus i like the pretty pixels nods nods

That was the same with me! I’m still not fully invested in collectibles since I like using my tbt for art and other things, but I do want to get more - through trade and events. This event in particular since I’ve invested more into it makes me appreciate the collectibles even more before since I put so much time in it and spent some money on it. I think the collectibles are nice proof of how much work we put into our entries or even trading for them (takes me a long time to earn tbt 😅). The lineups are fun too! I’ve been playing around more with lineup ideas and making a list of collectibles I might want to get. 🙂
I love collecting them because I love the memories they have attached to them. Each of them have a story to me, and I have some that have a personal sentiment too. The bluebird and shadow kitties being a couple - need to get those back again - along with birthstones, just to name a couple with sentimental attachments.
I usually don't. I participate in lot of the events because it's fun to be part of the team or community. I'll usually get one or two collectibles from the event for a memento and sometimes I gift the rest to others because it's nice to do something nice and make someone happy.