IGN has repeatedly confirmed Kid Icarus Wii. They explicitly confirmed it on their latest podcast. I'm pretty sure it's gonna be one of Nintendo's big 2008 games. I mean... imagine a God of War game, but in the Kid Icarus world. That'd be amazing, no?
BTW, it's not too soon for an announcement of the next Zelda. Zelda Wii's been in development for over a year now, and with a release date in one to two years... it sounds really plausible. I'd love to see a trailer.
Oh yeah, Retro Studio's has a Zelda spin-off in the works. I'd absolutely LOVE a Ganondorf-oriented game. C'mon, people, how awesome would it be? Playing as the King of Evil during the seven years when ]
Hmm, I never listened to IGN's latest podcasts, is Kid Icarus really confirmed?
A Zelda spin-off doesn't sound like that big a game, but if it starred Ganondorf as a protagonist (which will never happen) I'd say it would sell like hotcakes. Market something that has anything to do with Ocarina of Time and it'll sell like hotcakes.
I don't know about Star Fox. The latest game was great, Fox was in his Arwing the entire time. I'd say Star Fox would need a far bigger adventure with far more options to make a 50 dollar price tag... online would be a given.
AC Wii still won't make it here in 2008, though D=