Wild World Forum, DEAD?

CF will takeover.. maybe make people wanna play GC version but not WW
Yes, it is dead. OFFICIALY. I am the only person on this board right now. It is 10:18 PM where I'm at. dead. now, the question is, does this game even deserve a funeral?
Heck, I've been playing GC and WW everyday since CF came out. I just cant let all that hard work go to waste, ya know?
QNT3N said:
Since ACCF is out now, and most people won't even play anymore, is this forum going to die?
It won't die! I didn't know there was a forum for it. I still play, to the wild world forum!
Hmmmm, I've been playing wild world lately, and seriously, i'ts boring as hell!! There's nothing to do besides fish, and there are barely no bugs!
I still have AC:WW.
I haven't pick up cf yet, but when I do I will still play ww.
So keep this place alive!
Lol, this is the most active topic other than my fc exchange Ive seen in my 1 1/2 months at tbt. Sad, actually.
Wii Master 64 said:
this forum will probably die... oh well, city folk kicks the crap out of wild world.
Thats true, because City Folk is technically an amped up remake of WW.....