Will you be getting it?

i want to collect all the cards they released and put them in a frame(s) it'll look so pretty c:

the spin off looks cute. i like customizing my house so customizing a villager's houses plus the new furniture makes me want the game even more. hopefully this game is a little preview of what we're too expect for AC wii u!
Nope. Like I said in the card buying poll thread, it just seems like a giant money sink to me, especially since I don't have a New 3ds XL.

So, presuming the game would cost money, I'd be paying the cost of the game + the cost of the card reader device + card booster packs.

That equals too much money to justify buying a sim game with the sole feature of designing houses.

Edit: Now, if it was an Animal Crossing Harvest Moon game (erm...XSeed game, that is), that'd be another story.
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Mhm.. probably not. If it seems interesting once I see more information about it than sure, but from what I've seen so far it doesn't seem like something I'd be into. The house-designing feature isn't really one of my favourite parts of AC, I guess.
Yes I will
More information will be released about it sooner
I'm unsure, I'd like to due to my love for the series but it depends on how the game turns out and how they sell it and the cards.
Probably not. Designing my house isnt the focal point of animal crossing for me :/
I'll probably pre-order it but wait for videos/pictures to surface from Japan to make the final decision on whether to keep that pre-order or cancel it.

Right now, I am interested in getting the game. It sounds like it'll be a fun little thing to do in my free time. I do tend to like games like this from time to time so it would be nice to have. This, of course, all depends on the cost of the game. I have an older 3DS so I would need that new amiibo thing plus the possible cost of the game and/or the cards. So that's all something I'll take into account before making my final decision.
I'd probably buy it considering that Animal Crossing is the only game I play, haha.

Actually, my first initial thought was that it'd be a digital only game since it seemed like a cheap iPhone app rather than a full $35 game...