Will you be getting it?

No way. They took out 95% of what makes Animal Crossing fun for me.

I thought they said it was a free download but you couldn't really play without the cards....or maybe that was the Pokemon game, idk. If not, I can't see the game being more than $7-8. Either way, I won't be getting it....free or not.
I was already looking at the new 3DS at target but they literally had one system and it was red, which I didn't want... but when more games come out I probably will get it, or ask for it because I like have multiple systems and the game does actually look fun. Not as much as the regular animal crossing games but I still want it.
As long as I don't need to shell out money for a New 3DS, I will definitely be getting this! It's not that I dislike the New 3DS, I just don't have money for it right now. Hopefully soon, though!
Unless there ends up being more features added, absolutely not. Can't justify spending that kind of money (for cards and everything) just for that :/
Hmm, I still need to see more. But I'll probably get a few cards, just to look cool in my secret AC shrine
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It looks nice. Basically it's New Leaf, but without the chores.

Looks like it's going to be on the old 3DS, so definately a buy for me, when it comes out :)
It looks nice. Basically it's New Leaf, but without the chores.

Looks like it's going to be on the old 3DS, so definately a buy for me, when it comes out :)

Your going to need to get the scanner thing~
No thanks
If you need to buy amiibo cards to play it's probably another money making gimmick
also it looks like it'll get boring really quickly, if all you're doing is designing houses
It looks pretty basic and you'll be doing the same thing over and over again. Also, I don't want to shell out the money to buy the little adapter thing, which I'll only be using for this...
And I don't want to spend money on the cards, which are definitely going to be sold in "mystery packs," with the most popular villagers/characters as the rarer ones.
No thanks, I'll pass.
From what I'm seeing not impressed may get it after I see some gameplay but if the same as NL then no I don't really see the point in decorating villagers houses and that now villagers won't ask you to do stuff
If its just to decorate and that's it, nope.
Pretty lame if you ask me and expensive.
Why don't they focus on a new AC game and incorporate this in?
Nope- I have better things to waste my money on. Tbh this whole thing just seems like a money grab from Nintendo. I wasn't really surprised that they put something like this out instead of teasing an actual AC game.

Just seems really lame.
I think I will. I enjoy the interior designing aspect of Animal Crossing, even though I'm not great at it.
As of now, no :/ It doesn't seem very interesting from what I've heard thus far. Maybe if I hear raving reviews and see some fun gameplay footage later down the road, but I doubt it :S
I love the idea of it, but I won't buy the silly external reader and all of those amiibo cards :mad:
depending on what the game will offer, i really like to try game but there needs be more to it,
i really like animal crossing and as excited as i am with this, i may not end up getting on launch or a month after like New Leaf or City Folk, but i will plan get it when there more things to do,