Will you be resetting for starter villagers?

I'll definitely be resetting.... for villagers, for the map, for the fruit, for everything. I want an island that inspires my imagination! So I'll reset a few times.
Honestly that varies on the villagers itself and I'm usually cool with many of them so I probably will more than likely not. Well, that, and at times, I forget. If I do get a villager that I know that I have had and strongly disliked then yeah, I may just because I know that I don't want to start with them. You know? Otherwise, I don't think I would or plan to as I like to see how things unfold. Maps and other stuff are a different story though.
Probably won’t reset for villagers. Resetting for town map + fruit might take quite some time in itself and is more important to me. We only start with 2 villagers anyway so if I reaaaalllyyy dislike them I will use amiibo cards later on to replace them.
I plan on not resetting for the map (unless it's ridiculously inconvenient), villagers, or fruit. I like to take the hand I'm dealt with on that.
I will for the map. On New Leaf I didn't have access to part of my beach and didn't realize until after I'd been playing for a bit. Since we only start with 2 villagers I think it'll be fine even if I get ones I don't like.

Edit: I might for the fruit, too.
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Might reset for a good map but I definitely wouldn't reset just for villagers!
I am just absolutely desperate for Merengue, I love her! So I'm trying to decide whether it will be beneficial resetting for a good island set up so I am happy with that or whether to reset until I get Merengue xD
i probably won't. i feel like it would take too much time- and we will only have 2 villagers to start with anyways. i'm sure in the future we will be able to adopt villagers from other people anyways, just like new leaf.
for the map though, i might reset a bit to get a better once if there aren't that many good options.
Heck no. I personally hold the belief that the first town is sacred. No resetting. Not once. Don?t like to map? The villagers? The fruit? Tough, make it work. That?s the way the dice rolled. It?ll be worth it in the end and it?ll be much more of an achievement.
Heck no. I personally hold the belief that the first town is sacred. No resetting. Not once. Don’t like to map? The villagers? The fruit? Tough, make it work. That’s the way the dice rolled. It’ll be worth it in the end and it’ll be much more of an achievement.

I am starting to lean much more in this direction as time goes on. I remember the really magical feeling of starting my very first town and knowing nothing about anything. I just went with it and it was awesome.
Not gonna lie.....
As much as I hated T-Bone for trying to replace Kabuki and Monty (my favorite cranky is now Rooney, but during the dawn of New Leaf, they were Kabuki and Monty) and refusing to move, there was something soooooooooo special about making a town in New Leaf for the very first time. Everything was just new and seemed special.

I was a noob. I wish I knew about adopting villagers at the time, and how it worked. I could have just tried seeking one of out, instead of resetting to get on of them (which was Monty, BTW). Sure, I would have still had to dealt with T-Bone, but I would have had Kabuki or Monty to balance my town out.

I would have ended up resetting eventally, but not nearly as soon. :p

. . .

I talked to my dad about the "pay to Wi-Fi" ordeal. He said he will get me, him, and my brother all a subscription, so I will be able to Wi-Fi after all. :)
I just HOPE HOPE HOPE that we will still be able to adopt villagers again. This feature was an absolute brilliant decision in New Leaf, and it was huge. So, I don't see why they would get rid of this in New Horizons. Dreamies are a huge deal to some of us, and I know that the removal of this will cause a lot of negativity.

So, no. I have changed my mind. As long as I will we be able to adopt villagers, I will be playing the very first island I get. And I will seek out my dreamies on the trading forum. Now that Nintendo came up with the brillance that is Amino Functionality, it should be a lot easier to seek out the villagers we want on our island.

And I am not saying that I am going to rush to fill my island with dreamies. I want to start of with getting Astrid and Rooney, who are my definite dreamies, and I will slowly add to the list as time goes on. While dreamies are important to me, I also want to let villagers move in and out on their own.
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Did last time but wont again. Lucky my favorite villagers aren?t popular so I can find them online easy
As long as I don't get villagers that I dislike, I'll probably stick with them! Dreamies would be a blessing of course, but I'd love to jump in as soon as possible!
I am definitely anti-resetting and time traveling for my gameplay. After playing New Leaf for a long time, I thought I?d reset my town and try something new. I reset the beginning countless times to get the ?perfect match? but then I found that the game kinda lost its spark and spontaneity to it... I ended up not playing for a long time because of that :( so I refuse to sabotage my experience with New Horizons by toying with the algorithm haha

i feel the same way and feel like with new leaf, i became so used to just resetting until i got what i want and getting bored of layouts, that all i ever did was constantly reset because i was never satisfied, and i realised i enjoyed the game a lot more before i knew how to reset and would buy villagers etc than i did when i was too picky about it.
so i think this time round i'll reset to begin with if i don't like my layout or if i hate the villagers, but i won't keep resetting beyond that loose criteria and once i've started playing the game.
Not gonna lie.....
As much as I hated T-Bone for trying to replace Kabuki and Monty (my favorite cranky is now Rooney, but during the dawn of New Leaf, they were Kabuki and Monty) and refusing to move, there was something soooooooooo special about making a town in New Leaf for the very first time. Everything was just new and seemed special.

I was a noob. I wish I knew about adopting villagers at the time, and how it worked. I could have just tried seeking one of out, instead of resetting to get on of them (which was Monty, BTW). Sure, I would have still had to dealt with T-Bone, but I would have had Kabuki or Monty to balance my town out.

I would have ended up resetting eventally, but not nearly as soon. :p

. . .

I talked to my dad about the "pay to Wi-Fi" ordeal. He said he will get me, him, and my brother all a subscription, so I will be able to Wi-Fi after all. :)
I just HOPE HOPE HOPE that we will still be able to adopt villagers again. This feature was an absolute brilliant decision in New Leaf, and it was huge. So, I don't see why they would get rid of this in New Horizons. Dreamies are a huge deal to some of us, and I know that the removal of this will cause a lot of negativity.

So, no. I have changed my mind. As long as I will we be able to adopt villagers, I will be playing the very first island I get. And I will seek out my dreamies on the trading forum. Now that Nintendo came up with the brillance that is Amino Functionality, it should be a lot easier to seek out the villagers we want on our island.

And I am not saying that I am going to rush to fill my island with dreamies. I want to start of with getting Astrid and Rooney, who are my definite dreamies, and I will slowly add to the list as time goes on. While dreamies are important to me, I also want to let villagers move in and out on their own.

However, we are still not sure if villager adoption will be a thing in New Horizons. And if I got a HATED villager (Rolf, Blaire, Gaston, Portia, Curt), I probabbly would reset. I know I keep changing my mind about this, but I guess I will just have to see what the circumstances are. ^^; .--.
However, we are still not sure if villager adoption will be a thing in New Horizons. And if I got a HATED villager (Rolf, Blaire, Gaston, Portia, Curt), I probabbly would reset. I know I keep changing my mind about this, but I guess I will just have to see what the circumstances are. ^^; .--.
Gaston is hated??