• Staff favorites and raffle winners have been announced for TBT's Season of Giving! See the latest announcement thread: TBT's Season of Giving 2024: Closing Ceremony. Thank you to everyone for sharing your creativity and generosity during this event!

Will you be resetting for starter villagers?

Unless I get villagers that I really dislike, probably not. There’s no way I’ll be patient enough to wait to start playing in order to reset for villagers.
Villager selection isn't something that matters to me at all. I wouldn't reset for any reason to be honest; I'm a believer of just playing the game with the cards you're initially dealt. I can't be bothered with all that restarting malarkey.
I am considering resetting until I get Rooney. I love him with all my heart. I don't have his card (which may get reprinted anyway), and I am not sure if I will be able to play online on New Horizons, so it is worth a few tries I guess...

But I know it will be very hard, as we will only start with two, maybe three, villagers, and we will have new ones and possibly more GC-only ones coming back.

. . .

I remember back during the dawn of New Leaf, I decided AGAINST restarting to get Kabuki or Monty, who were my favorites at the time, as I was just too excited and wanted to start playing. After around two months, I realized my town didn't feel right without one of them, and I HATED T-Bone for getting in the way and refusing to move, so I decided to restart until I got one of them (which was Monty). Keep in mind, this was before I knew about adopting villagers.

. . .

I just I will see. I mean, even if it does take multiple tries (and possibly giving up), it will be fun to explore all the new and returning villagers along the way. ;)

As for Astrid, my other favorite, I am not as worried about getting her (assuming Amiibo will have the same support, and assuming the current cards will be compatible) as I have her card, and can just scan her right in, like I did in my current New Leaf town.
I'm highly contemplating doing this for tangy... I'm even contemplating taking off work that day in order to get it. Honestly if they announce that we have full control over who stays and who goes and where they set up their house/ I can move them around while still living in town then I will absolutely do it

But a lot rides for that, sooooooo..... also like is amiibo gonna work? lots of factors
I won't be resetting for specific villagers but I really want circle grass! I bought all my dreamies amiibo cards so hopefully I will be able to get them that way... otherwise I have wasted a lot of money heh :)
for island shape, grass, fruit, etc, yeah i might. but for villagers? hmmm, probably not. unless, like mentioned above, if i really don't like any of the villagers i got. like if i load up and it's jambette and beardo i gotta GO. i'd have to exchange my copy for a new one if that happened bc it's CLEARLY CURSED.
No resets. Not even if I get pears and Wart JR Twice.
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No, i'll reset for map/fruits assuming its possible but I figure I can just trade for whatever villagers I want online.
I'll do for a good map - and maybe if I really don't like both of the characters.
Usually I would, but because of the set-up, probably not...it seems a lot more personal this time around, since there's only 2 villagers starting out with you, and I really want to grow to like them. I'm a little worried of getting a villager I absolutely despise, but I'll try to stick with whoever I get.
Honestly, I probably will if I completely hate the first two I get, but if I get a map I really like and some trash villagers oh well we gonna have to live with it lol
I've never actually reset for a specific map or fruit or villagers :0 I feel like part of the wow is that everybody gets somethin funky and different but now I kinda wanna reset for cherries :):
i don't think i can see myself specifically resetting for villagers as it's been a while since i've actually sat down and played animal crossing and have mostly forgotten who i disliked (except for gala. i despise her). i'll probably be content with anyone because it seems like all the villagers have gotten an upgrade when looking at the renders, and i kind of want to have every villager come visit my island lol. i don't want to reset because i would like to go with the first map i'm shown, but i most likely will to get the grass shape and native fruit i want.
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Usually I would, but because of the set-up, probably not...it seems a lot more personal this time around, since there's only 2 villagers starting out with you, and I really want to grow to like them. I'm a little worried of getting a villager I absolutely despise, but I'll try to stick with whoever I get.

This is how I feel. I kind of want to have my ugly best friend.
No, I have amiibo cards and from what I read the amiibos will work with the game.

I only reset for layout and fruit.
I'd prefer to start with villagers that I don't like as it's easier to develop the town without the early house placements restricting you.
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probably not; i’ll likely only reset until i find the island that i like (with preferably peaches as the native fruit), but unless i really dislike my starter villagers, i won’t reset
I'm not going to reset for villagers. I want to go with whatever I roll first, but I might break that if I get pears. I just dislike pears for a town fruit. Or oranges (as much as I love oranges in real life). But, we will see.