• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

Will you choose boy or girl?

My mayor will be male, as I am male. But I have two secondary characters planned, and will probably make a fourth. (One of which is a male, and one is a female)
I always do my own gender, a female. I only do male if I want to "use someone else's character", if that makes sense! :/ Not that I ever keep it; I just see what it's like a delete it!^^
Usually I only have one character, and I stick with my own gender. (Female.)
But with the addition of neat QR outfits and contacts and more in depth house customization, I'll definitely have a male side character. ^-^ I feel like I can personalize another character much more than in other games, so it's more appealing to have an extra. xD​
My mayor will be female, as I am. I might make one male character, if not then my side character will be female too. Dunno, but I much prefer playing as my own gender if there is a choice.
I'm a girl, so I'm going to be playing as a girl. >:3

And I'm going to continue to wear dresses and now will wear skids. Even though I hate them in real life.

None of my side characters will be boys. The three of them will probably be based off of OCs I'm going to have in my comics, one of which is Officer Berri.
I'll choose male for my main character (because I'm male) but I'll likely make a female as my secondary character. Not sure if I'll make more than two but in wild world I had two male and two female.

That's usually what I do with other games too, like Pokemon. I go with male for the first game and then female for the third/sequel version.
I'm going to choose Squirtle.

Does anyone actually ever read all these posts?

I do. :p

I'll be sticking to my own gender, so I'll be a girl. I feel like I barely ever get to play as my own gender, so I'm not giving up the opportunity! I also tend to stay pretty "realistic" in game with a character that looks like me and everything. (That leaves a lot of room for creativity anyway -- I've had pink hair twice.)
I'm playing as a female for my main character, and a female and 2 males for the other 3 spots.
I always go as de female of the species, like myself, unless I was to create a specific theme - and i fail to think of one of the top of my head - then i would use whatever gender would be appropiate.

Both. I will have female and male characters.
Some of the girls may even have boy hairstyles and wear pants and vice versa. Shocking, I know.