I'll probably pay because for the first time I might actually have online friends to pay with; however I think it's so dumb that you have to pay to use online services. You never had to for any other console, it just makes me mad.
i already pay to play splatoon 2 so i guess so! even if i didn't though i think i'd still pay for the online, it's lame but i would miss stuff like trading and selling. i just hope they add something cooler than club tortimer this time! club tortimer was alright but i think since we have to pay for online now we could really use more stuff to do (i don't want the online play to take priority over the singleplayer though!!!)
Oh man it didn't even register with me that we have to pay for ac switch online too >.< Might as well pay a fortune to get a switch and all the (un)necessary add-ons in one go.
I very likely won't, but if I did buy the game, then I probably would. It takes forever to get the items you need for your town when you try to get all of them in-game.
If I have to pay to access certain features, I would spurn those features. But this time, it?s not a dealbreaker. Animal Crossing is the kind of game I like playing, and it requires playing online if you want to complete your catalog or make more Bells. So yes, I will pay for online membership when this game comes out.
I bought one during the holidays but haven't added the code for it yet.
I'm waiting to completed more of the Let's Go Pokemon game to do trades and to see how AC Switch will work.
For now I don't need online.
I will probably pay into it if I'm playing enough. I work all the time though so it's not like I'm broke, though I do spend a lot of my frivolous money on clothes.
I am unsure of whether or not I will purchase the membership. It really depends on how much it is. This will definitely affect the online community because most people cannot afford the membership, along with the game and the Switch. It saddens me that Nintendo has moved to charge people for WiFi. Animal Crossing is literally my only reason for purchasing the Switch. Unfortunately, I do not think one game would justify purchasing an entire membership.
If any of my friends get into AC or if there are online features that add a whole lot to the main game then I will. If it's like New Leaf online I'll probably wait until I have a significant portion of the game under my belt before I hope into item/villager trading.
Without a doubt yes. My husband and I met through ACNL and are long distance, I think that $20 for a whole year is a bit silly to gripe about. I understand that people are upset because they've never had to pay before, but it's a new console, new Nintendo, new developments, ect. It's even cheaper when you choose family option because then it works out $7 each for a whole year (I definitely understand not being able to afford it though)
The minute AC drops I'll be buying membership along with a copy of the game