Ohgoodness! Is she still available?
Do you want to adopt her!?
And yes she is still available!
Ohmylanta I would love to!! She looks just like my Siamese cat irl <3! I can't believe you're offering her!
Ohmylanta I would love to!! She looks just like my Siamese cat irl <3! I can't believe you're offering her!
Yay! Add my 2208 FC and look for the town Unicorn. Please wait for me outside the station.
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This is my original Mitzi from my main town of Laputa...so she has a lot of history to her. I wanted her to find a new home so yay!
Aww Siamese cats are so cute ; w;
I'm like hyperventilating right now lol! My husband just asked me what's wrong and I told him I'm adopting our cat (my Mayor is named after her)
I can't believe this - this is so utterly kind of you!
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Please c:
Thanks~ok, gratsAdding your FC now and will open gate!
Glad to hear you're doing better![]()
That's quite a stash he is sporting...LOL!
could I get a PM for fang and ankha please? ty!
could you add me to the pm list for Fang and Moe please?