Could you please take Charlise off of the auto-void list? c:
Ahhhhhh if no one wants her I guess I will take her she is pretty cute I will have to TT someone out of my town though
DON'T AUTOVOID BLANCHEEE Please take her off the void list
Aww you don't have to take her but if you want to I will hold her a little longer while you make room.
I can move Blanche over and add you for notification.
Well she isn't really a dreamie so I wanted to see if anyone really wanted her but I do like her and wouldn't mind having her for a whileso if you could hold onto her that would be great
Ok, How long till you could make room do you think?
Edit: Hang on a sec Jake I have another cycler who wants her.
Ok thats finewould rather her go to someone who really truly wants her
I actually just found Chrissy in the campsite , not a dreamie but cute but dang I want to give up on her she always gives an almost wants to move in answer and I have to play like 20 games before I can ask her I have like 30 pieces or random furniture now
You don't need to play the games...just decline and keep talking to her. Sometimes leaving the tent and returning helps. Good luck~
MIRA was adopted by Zoraluv!
Finally got her to move in....