Windfall - Floral Summer Island

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Jun 6, 2021
Throwback Tickets
I completed some areas on an amusement park I would like to share for inspiration. :) I was quite satisfied with the color palette, and adding interactive items for fun. It never quite ended up as I hoped though, and I reset again, which is why I wanted to share these photos here~.
The Amusement Park
Dinosaurs with a fiery welcome at the entrance; a small cotton candy cafe area using the lovely Cinnamoroll set in soft colors.
Then you ascend to the Bunny cafe area which of course includes a bunny-in-a-hat (Magic kit) for interaction. To the right of that is the Teacup Ride + Brake Trapper game area, and then the Colorful Wheels with prizeholding stalls in the back. There is also a tricycle ride competition going on! ^^;

I wished to use the KK song Animal City for the teacup ride area for the right ambience, and felt the bamboo speakers worked fairly well in that area. I also used the Marathon song at the entrance area, just that feeling of walking towards the entrance hearing the soundtrack is a great part of theme parks in my experience. :)









The dinosaur viewing area with big fossils escaping the museum was pretty fun to make. It is one of my favorite areas. ^^;
I particularly like the dinosaur toys terrorizing the village - who wouldn`t? - and the feeling of the dinosaur fossils about to charge through the jump-over-part as you cross over to the rest of the theme park. (It was supposed to be an Egyptian area and then a Mario obstacle course with some Halloween areas included in it.)






I did better with more custom tiling on this island, and I really enjoyed using dinosaurs people had drawn and placing them as tiles around the playground. It looks really colorful and fun! I also used some great ice cream custom designs for the ice cream stall - and it is not very visible, but there is an outdoor table that is customised with ice cream holders - I saw it on an island tour and had to use it too! :)

For interactive items I placed the Robot Hero I crafted on my last island, as well as a remote-controlled helicopter and some robot toys. The dinosaur toys are also interactive and jump when you touch them. The pop-up books are so great too! I placed one on the playground, and some more were planned placed on stalls by NC, as a kind of souvenir shop for the park. ^^;




Of course I had to make a Nook`s Cranny joke with a long line of raccoon figurines entering the shop. :)


And I actually did do some villager hunting for my dreamies, which included Stitches and Merengue. In addition, I had Astrid, who also looked to fit in on an amusement park island. ^^;


The house included a birthday celebration room in the basement (and it also had an arcade room with the fireworks wall and a bunch of game machines in it, as well as a lunar expedition experience room that I was only half pleased with). The birthday room worked really well, I think. ^^;


I had a lot of fun working on the theme park for this island! - However, thinking of how much time and work it would take completing it just felt too much and I decided to not complete it. Hopefully someone will enjoy looking at these photos and maybe even take some inspiration from them for their own tivoli / amusement park area. :) Thank you for reading! <3
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Windfall Life

Here are some photos from my new island, barely decorated but loving the small moments in the game ^^;


The very first villagers on my island have mostly stayed, - I only want 8 villagers on my island and I have only switched out two, Axel the Jock and the second smug villager O`Hare. I wanted to make room for Chrissy, who is my second peppy villager, and the cranky penguin Hopper. ^_^

I am keeping everyone I have on my island currently, I think: Muffy, Beau, Molly, Shino, Chrissy, Kyle, Cleo and Hopper.


I just love the villagers helping out by giving me decorations to entice the great K.K. to the island. It was a steady stream of Air circulators and Unfinished puzzles, any rock stars dream decor! Sure enough, he came and held a concert. :)


I love the little moments and conversations on my island, - a new favorite since the update is bumping into villagers inside the museum and at the Roost.


Shino got a lot of fashion inspiration from her museum visit. :)


Kyle also shared some fascinating insight into the evolutionary tree.



Isabelle stopped by to get a pick-me-up-coffee on her break from work. ^^


Always so lovely to see her and any of the other people working to make the island run smoothly, visit the Roost for a well-deserved perfect cup of coffee. <3
Oh and also, I am back to being a girl in the game, after changing up my style several times. So many pretty dresses to try on now! ^^;
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Bunny Day At Windfall - And other things that happened

Stretching with Zipper was the main event in this years Bunny Day. ^^;




Also, in a treasure hunt with Muffy I literally found and dug up the treasure at The Last Second.



Below: ...Why yes, it WAS very satisfying. ^__^

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Windfall Fashion

Muffy Loved the black biker jacket I gave her. And yes, she looks Both Rad & Awesome in it!


Another very popular gift was the red sleeveless silk dress that I gave to Shino. She looks so amazing in it!


"Sleeveless silk dress - so versatile, even perfect for a day of relaxing fishing!"


Molly enjoyed the yellow dollhouse dress I gave her, changing out of the pink fairy dress I had given her on a different day. Careful with that ice cream, Molly! You don`t wanna ruin your brand new dress, darling!



At one point I gave Chrissy a red simple dots dress. She claims to love it, but I have only seen her wear it on one single occasion. Hmmm. Well, who cares, when it looks awesome decorating her cute themed house? And her marble dots dress is awesome as always.



Chrissy is even an expert at this - just look at that wonderful combination with her flowery little pink handbag! (I haven`t checked the name for this, but I assume she bought it from Kicks on one of his visits to our quaint little island).


And our very own cranky old Hopper has his own specific thoughts about fashion. Never change, buddy! You DO look like a penguin!


Also, Muffy was a bit reluctant when I gave her a purple ribbons & hearts dress. At first she was wearing it kind of in secret, hiding behind trees and such. She was however, recently spotted wearing it in the town square belting out Bubblegum K.K. from her lungs. Embrace your cute side, Muffy!


Beau and Chrissy singing Welcome Horizons, with Kyle humming along on the side. It was a nice evening for a concert.

I recently finished my 2nd island and was quite happy with it. Here are some photos - I made full houses for Tom Nook, Isabelle, Able Sisters and Blathers&Brewster. I also made a bamboo forest that I think looks natural, I found that quite a challenge to make. There is also a big Totoro on the island and an area from Alice in Wonderland. So much fun to create those. ^_^

At the Able Sisters house there is curry and rice for dinner, in a partially Japanese/zen-themed house.

Isabelle got a lovely kitchen to create amazing dishes, and a fortune-telling room with Moroccan furniture and flickering candle light.

Blathers & Brewster share a house, and I was especially happy with the gold and zodiac themed bathroom. I had to look up how to make windows on the wall, and you can customise glowing stickers and hang up a bunch of them to make a window with a view. I really love the rainy day vibes on that wall, it is one of my favorites.
Also, feel free to laugh at the simple cosplay of the characters. I did not bother finding customised clothes or face paint for them, but at least it is easy to tell who they are supposed to be regardless. Lol.


Here are some outdoor areas I created, I love the heartshaped pond and am very happy with the villager area. Every villager got their own personal garden based on their personality type and favorite colors. I did not decorate any interiors however, after making four full houses and a full island I felt I was done with it. ^^



^Heartshaped pond with pink flowers in the middle of the villager area. V Chrissy the peppy bunnys garden below.


V Totoro sleeping in a flowerfilled little forest.


The hermit crabs partying on the beach and leaving confetti everywhere. I still love them though. ^^


If you want to explore and experience my island, feel free to dream about it:

PS. 10 koroks are hiding on my island, if you are in a the mood for a game, have fun playing hide and seek! ^_^
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