Dark Mirage
Senior Member
I am suddenly having a craving for some hot buffalo wings and am thinking of going to Buffal Wild Wings Bar and Grill are any of you craving them or another food
this is the OFF TOPIC board is it not?Tom the Warrior said:OOOKKK.fftopic:
You mean like you in every single post you've made in the past two weeks you've been here?Tom the Warrior said:Yes but it seems a little toofftopic: 4
fftopic: .
That is not a valid reason for posting in nearly every thread repeatedly with or without knowledge of the subject at hand. : |Tom the Warrior said:Well uh I didn't have anythig else to do.
Still isn't a valid excuse for filling these forums with garbage. : |Tom the Warrior said:Not every thead, and sometimes I post on my PSP so double posts and double topics are posyted by acciedent.
Can't take the truth or something? honestly, if you'd take three minutes and think about what you're typing, you could be normal. All i see in you right now is a bratty nine-year-old looking for a high post count.Tom the Warrior said:Your mean, you know that? :angry:
Yeah fish is one of the meanest member in here.....(Sorry if you heard this fish but you deserve it anyway)Tom the Warrior said:Your mean, you know that? :angry:
Ohh!Burn, fish and what was that about not taking in the truth?Huh?Huh?AnimalE10 said:Yeah fish is one of the meanest member in here.....(Sorry if you heard this fish but you deserve it anyway)Tom the Warrior said:Your mean, you know that? :angry:
I will be your friend! even though your younger by two years but your still alrightTom the Warrior said:Cough,cough I'm 12, you n00b! All I want was maybe have some people over and race and make a few forums friends and I can take the truth you freak!
You're twelve? Then why can't you act your age? honestly, you rarely make sense. Right now I'm having the hardest time understanding you. I don't care why you're here, Meeting people seems fine, but you can AT LEAST, the bare MINIMUM, act your age.Tom the Warrior said:Cough,cough I'm 12, you n00b! All I want was maybe have some people over and race and make a few forums friends and I can take the truth you freak!
Thanks, AnimalE10. :yes:AnimalE10 said:I will be your friend! even though your younger by two years but your still alrightTom the Warrior said:Cough,cough I'm 12, you n00b! All I want was maybe have some people over and race and make a few forums friends and I can take the truth you freak!