i think my favorite memory will always be the Christmas i had when i was 7.
i was just a little kid ( duh i was 7 ) i was so full of happiness and joy, and when Christmas came around it was the most magical and happiest time of the year.
the Christmas tree was in the room with it's many colors and ornaments in it, i was especially fond of my 2 favorite ornaments, these were 2 baubles one with my name on it in beautiful handwriting, and the other was one that said ''baby's first Christmas'' on it.
( and i still have the one with my name, the other broke unfortunately
anyway, every Christmas eve we get the gourmet set out, and ate chicken filet from it or, tiny meatballs, or frikandel ( which is still my favorite ) and have stuff like onions, cucumber, paprika, salads, and stuff with it.
was always stuffing my face with frikandel, and paprika.
after we ate we sit on the mattresses that my mother laid out on the floor in the morning, cause every Christmas eve, we'd sleep downstairs ( which i just found awesome and cozy ).
we'd usually watch some Christmas movie that was on until it was midnight.
at midnight we'd open the presents, and the present i got was my very own gameboy pocket ( a blue one ) and pokemon blue.
which was just the best gift i could ever ask for.
i was so happy, i could finally go out into the world with my very own pokemon.
i was so impatient that i didn't care what the rest got for Christmas and just started playing my game, starting with my favorite starter squirtle.
i still remember the pokemon team i had on that first play through of pokemon blue.
all that, combined is a fond memory of mine.
and i hope when i get old and my memory fades away, that this will be one of the later memories i'll lose
( for those who were wondering what pokemon i got in that first team, ) they were:
( i caught both Snorlax, and was planing on switching the weaker one ut for another pokemon that i liked, but never encountered another pokemon i really wanted )