I'll extend the auction end time due to retraction...
Also, be sure to check out the forum's auction rules since technically retractions are not allowed. Some people maybe dicks about it. ^^;
Tomorrow I will likely invite Stitches to my island and kick Elvis... if I don't do it tonight.
After that I am going to either load up Ankha or Marshal? And start on inviting them. They will not be permanent island residents. Just getting them to cycle out. Don't forget you can always request a village through the dreamie giveaway or reserve request to get a villager for free that I don't even have on my island~
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I know this will auto merge into my other post
But omfg the odds
I booted up my game at work (lmao) to see my morning prices real quick... And elvis had a thought bubble. He asked to move. lmao. Looks like I'll be island hoping in a few days so not inviting stitches for a couple days.
Dont wanna update posts rn but doing some island hopping today ^-^ so far no one that really sticks out to me...
if i find judy or audie this time I am going to get them tho instead of letting them pass by like last time. >.>
I dont suspect I'll run into my remaining dreamie (raymond) on the island and my other dreamie (coco) is in my campsite. Which if they are visiting on my campsite that means they shouldn't appear for me anyways. Stitches I have the amiibo for (and only need to craft one more thing for) so I dont need him from islands.
So I didn't find anyone interesting in the 20tickets and I was tired... my rando today... RODNEY!?!?!
I already have 2 smugs in my town!!
And no uchi!! I haven't had an uchi since Katt left who was the first villager to ever leave my island!!!!
... Can force someone out on their movin boxes day? lmao. I doubt it but I definitely would. Either way he will be in boxes in a couple days with Stitches moving in. Then I will be deciding which plush lazy boy will stay and go in a few days.
Stitches will be on the island in a couple days... in about a week or so I'll decided if Stitches or Biskit I am going to keep and who I am going to let go...
Username[/b] :: Mercedes Villager You Are Seeking :: Avery Tier Villager Occupies :: 2/3/4/5/6 Do You Agree To NEVER Sell or Auction This Villager? :: Y Entering for Month(s) of :: may/June Feedback Rating I think it’s like 238 and 99%
Techically May's time period has past (i pick on middle of the month to be easier for myself to keep track of lol) but got entry noted for next month.
Updated the tier list i follow.
Will likely boot up Cocos amiibo tomorrow to insta box rodney. >.> Then I will need to pick between Skye and Coco on who I want to keep or let go
... sort of like I am doing with Stitches vs Biskit. By the images of Stitches exterior colors, technically I can have his yard design be exactly how I designed Biskits which is kind of funny. Biskit has really grown on me so lets see if my all time plush lazy boy Stitches will keep his crown.
I decided I won't keep Ketchup. She is adorable. Her home is adorable. I got her yard lookin cute... but... i just reeeeeally dislike the duck talking animation. I can't get past it...
Any suggestions on which amiibo I should work on inviting next? Going to be awhile before I have another natural move out (minimum 2 weeks) to do island hopping.
There are a lot of sections so I don't have to run a dreamie giveaway thread, a cycling thread, an auction thread, and in boxes giveaway thread all at once. I'm sure other cyclers or those wanting to sell/trade villagers would love it if I had 4~ threads going at once to clog up the front page. lol
The main post has the thread directory/table of contents. Each post has information laid out. If people don't wanna read them to get a free villager, that is on them. (... ex. auction but i don't plan to do those often) *shrug*
Finally~ got around to adding my amiibo list. @.@
I know it is missing a chunk but I can't find my other box of cards... I still have not fully unpacked since I moved.
Since I added the new section, I put it in the place of where the reserve request form was located (post 2).
I moved my current villagers post down a post. Now the reserve requests post is just before that post.
Also added a place where people can add any additional comments to their reserve request form. (i.e. they are only available on weekends, they don't TT, if they would like me to tag them in a post where they would move in.)
I will accept reserve requests for my amiibo villagers that are teir B and below... higher tier have to go through the Dreamie Giveaway.
Filling out a reserve request for those not currently in my town does not guarantee I will boot them up (Dreamie Giveaway always gets priority) but it gives me an idea on a villager I can work on next if it seems several people would like them.
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I know this is going to auto merge into my before post but...
Coco is unpacking today.
Within seconds of seeing her exterior in game and then her walls/floors when I walked in, I knew I was picking her over Skye. lmao.
Skye is very cute, fits my island name soooooo well, and I got her yard looking cute but I just don't have the space for her. I have changed her status to open. If only we could have 15 villagers like game cube...(heck I just want 12 T^T)
Game Plan
Working on inviting both ankha & marshal.
Probably use Marshal to box Erik (he's been the longest on my island)
Within a few days use Ankha to box Marshal (prevent him from grabbing one of my custom designs. they aren't distasteful or anything. just annoying sometimes to people)
After Ankha I may work on inviting one of my wanted villagers...
Then it would be time for the Dreamie Giveaway where I work on getting the winner's villager into my island for them. =3
Is it possible to commission for you to add an amiibo? I really want Annalisa, but I can't find her, and it's been over 50 NMT.
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Oh shoot, sorry, didn't see the beginning of the thread, my apologies.
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Username :: Mayor Moon Villager You Are Seeking :: Annalisa Tier Villager Occupies :: Unlisted Tier Date Submitting Request :: May 27, 2020 Feedback Rating :: 1/0/0 100% (I've traded more via turnip.exange, and have gotten 0 bad reviews from over 15 people)
Hewwo~, thank you so much for doing this! DREAMIE GIVEAWAY FORM
Username :: Mowochi Villager You Are Seeking :: Lolly Tier Villager Occupies :: A Do You Agree To NEVER Sell or Auction This Villager? :: Y! Absolutely! Entering for Month(s) of :: June/July Feedback Rating :: 1 and 100% (Sorry, I'm new. I hope it still counts...)