Avatar/Signature: Signature
Style: Typography
Color: Um, maybe white/black/blue. To represent the sea and all it's splendor.
Text: TITENIC. never let go. rose dawson, they cried. not the cobras. steamy car. iceberg ahead. no seriously iceberg. we hit the iceberg. thanks iceberg. not a happy ending. i would buy the game. when does schindler's list: the game come out? the only ship of it's kind. it's not misspelled. a romantic tragedy. romeo and juliet, plus boat. the titenic will always be in our hearts. long live titenic. #titenic. titenic 2. the titenic lives again. spoiler alert, it sinks. this just in, there were little to no survivors. LOL LET'S GO ON A CRUISE. um icebergs are kinda big, aren't they? if the guards hadn't been staring at the jack x rose otp everyone would be alive (way to go pervs)!
Size: 370 x 130
Other: some1 needs to remake this game for a portable console please. road trip every day.