HOLY !@#$
WonderK is going to start streaming.
Yeah. That's right. I'm going to start streaming my GFX work. Come and go as you please. I'll announce in this thread when my stream is online.
Shop is also opened for requests.
HOLY !@#$
WonderK is going to start streaming.
Yeah. That's right. I'm going to start streaming my GFX work. Come and go as you please. I'll announce in this thread when my stream is online.
Shop is also opened for requests.
HOLY !@#$
WonderK is going to start streaming.
Yeah. That's right. I'm going to start streaming my GFX work. Come and go as you please. I'll announce in this thread when my stream is online.
Shop is also opened for requests.
Avatar/Signature: Signature
Render/Stock: http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2014/196/4/3/bladecraft_orianna___render_by_taigameow-d7qu0rv.png
Style: Heavy Effects
Color: Darker purples tones, stuff like that.
Text: "We will kill your enemies. That will be fun."
Size: 500x150
Other: Am I worthy? D:
- - - Post Merge - - -
Avatar/Signature: Signature
Render/Stock: http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2014/196/4/3/bladecraft_orianna___render_by_taigameow-d7qu0rv.png
Style: Heavy Effects
Color: Darker purples tones, stuff like that.
Text: "We will kill your enemies. That will be fun."
Size: 500x150
Other: Am I worthy? D:
Denied. You can only request one signature at a time.
Avatar/Signature: Avatar
[X], Anything you feel fits
Style: Special Effects/Splatter
Color: Red
Text: Check Mate
Size: Average
Other: Thanks
omg the render hnnnnggAvatar/Signature: Avatar
[X], Anything you feel fits
Style: Special Effects/Splatter
Color: Red
Text: Check Mate
Size: Average
Other: Thanks
Slots will be 6/5 but since this is an avatar I'll still accept it.
omg the render hnnnngg
@Mayor Jessica: Stock is too small. Render isn't a render (has a white back drop). Render also needs to be larger.