Worst video games that you have played?

I actually really hated Fantasy Life on the 3DS. The characters just would not shut up. It's honestly what turned me off of JRPGs, a genre which I've always been "eh" about but that was the final blow. I could go on about why I don't like JRPGs forever.

I played this game on Steam called Calico, which was cute but the movement was so floaty and annoying.

I really wanted to enjoy Moonlighter but the keyboard+mouse controls were god-awful.

Pokémon Sun, Moon, UltraSun, and UltraMoon are all really bad games. Which is a shame, because they do a lot of things I like. The Island Challenge was good. I found the overworld well-crafted. It introduced the concept of regional forms, which are a great new take on old Pokémon. The new Pokémon designs were really good. But WOW, again like Fantasy Life, the complete inability of characters to shut up was annoying.

Ittle Dew 2 is an example of a game that I thought was the worst, but then one single update redeemed it. The first game was a top-down dungeon puzzle game. And it was really fun. Ittle Dew 2 introduced a lot of combat, and did the really annoying thing by including some really difficult boss fights. It redeemed itself with an update that made them really really easier.
Probably WWII Aces for the Wii. I found it hard to control, or really know what I was doing most of the time. Luckily it was my dad’s game anyway lol.
The Walking Dead: A New Frontier, also known as The Walking Dead Season 3

To this day this is the worst game I had ever played. What hurts the most is that I PREORDERED THE STUPID GAME AND PAYED FULL PRICE FOR EVERY EPISODE ON XBOX WHEN IT CAME OUT. I could write an essay, a video essay even on how awful and disappointing this game is. Literally infuriating to think about. I recently replayed it with my partner (We played the whole series together because he had never played them, and I didn't remember the games well + hadn't finished the last game). The only reason I was able to get through this mess of a game was because I had someone to share my pain and make fun of it with me. Just awful. Wasted potential. Also, the Switch port is a glitched disaster and we had to replay the end of episode 3 seven times because it would register that we completed the episode so we couldn't progress to episode 4. This game makes me wanna blow up.
Yoshi's New Island is mostly mid, not the worst game to ever plagued the world.

I'd say Pokemon Sun and Moon is the "worst" Pokemon game I've played. Despite the great Pokemon designs and Guzma, it mostly contributes to the fact that Lillie is constantly shoehorned in the game via long "hand-holdy" cutscenes without an actual payoff or an actual sequel following the events of sun and moon which further shows Lillie's development. (Ultra sun and moon should've been sequels instead.)

N is superior over Lillie because his inclusion in the story wasn't so forced, has actual character development, and he actually has a big payoff in the gen 5 sequels.

Same problems are present in Pokemon Switch titles unfortunately. Which, I put all of the Pokemon switch titles as the worst games especially by Pokemon standards. With changes that made the games worse like permanent Exp. Share and a lack of actual difficulty or a difficulty selection at all.

It's like Sonic '06 all over again when Sonic games starts to fall off after.
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Yoshi's New Island is mostly mid, not the worst game to ever plagued the world.

I'd say Pokemon Sun and Moon is the "worst" Pokemon game I've played. Despite the great Pokemon designs and Guzma, it mostly contributes to the fact that Lillie is constantly shoehorned in the game via long "hand-holdy" cutscenes without an actual payoff or an actual sequel following the events of sun and moon which further shows Lillie's development. (Ultra sun and moon should've been sequels instead.)

N is superior over Lillie because his inclusion in the story wasn't so forced, has actual character development, and he actually has a big payoff in the gen 5 sequels.

Same problems are present in Pokemon Switch titles unfortunately. Which, I put all of the Pokemon switch titles as the worst games especially by Pokemon standards. With changes that made the games worse like permanent Exp. Share and a lack of actual difficulty or a difficulty selection at all.

It's like Sonic '06 all over again when Sonic games starts to fall off after.

Yeah, the characters I do not give a crap about. Lillie and Hau are lame.

Though I strongly dislike N as well.
The worst game I've ever played was probably Shamu's Deep Sea Adventures for Gamecube. Not only was is incredibly boring and frustrating but I think that game also caused my fear of the ocean and deep sea creatures. I can't handle playing games like Subnautica or anything because of the effect this game had on me when I was younger. I even had trouble playing through Wind Waker the first time I played through it because all the water freaked me out. It's still one of my favorite Zelda games though. More recently, I think the worst game I've played was Pokemon Scarlet. It felt completely unoriginal and it was so incredibly boring. Nothing felt inspired or made me want to keep playing and all the new Pokemon designs were so ugly. I barely got through the first two hours of the game. It was the nail in the coffin that has put me off of new Pokemon media completely.
There are very few games I actively dislike.

One of them is "Mario and Luigi: Paper Jam". I couldn't stand the constant pace stopping because of the forced toad hunting. Felt like there wasn't much going on in the story either.

Needless to stay, I still played until the very end. But I couldn't stomach anymore.
I seriously hate F-Zero 99. I can’t past the stupid mandatory third race and every time I’m close to completing it, my car either gets damaged and explodes or I get disqualified just as I’m literally reaching the line just because another car was barely ahead of me. I’ve been stuck on that stupid race since launch and I’m sick and tired of trying to clear it for an hour straight until my hands hurt just to access the actual game itself.
Dear Esther. I'm not really sure it even qualifies as a proper game. It's more of like, a story that you walk through. But it's boring as hell, the story itself isn't engaging, and it was misleading when it was released.
These are just my own opinions pretty much, so take everything here with a grain of salt.

Bravely Default. Yes, the base game is pretty good, ASIDE from the fact that once you hit a certain point in the story you have to grind bosses and levels repeatedly. That part of the game turned me off from it so much that I never bothered completing the main story. I've heard good things about Bravely Default II, but honestly, I'm not interested in trying it. 💀

Fire Emblem: Fates. The general gameplay is good, but the story is just heckin' awful and filled with mistakes and issues. Not to mention the fact that children characters are very prominent in this game. It feels wrong to be listing this here because I really did enjoy the gameplay, but uh, the story definitely could have been better.

Sonic and Mario at the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020. I don't know if it's just my old age speaking, but I FEEL like the Sonic and Mario Olympic video games had been done to death by this point, and I did not enjoy this one that much.

Persona (the entire series). This one is a bit odd for me. Considering I'm an anime fan, you think I'd enjoy Persona too. WRONG. I've tried a bit of every game in the series, and it's just... not my cup of tea (I highly prefer Shin Megami Tensei).

Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric. If you need reassurance that Sonic games had gone downhill by this point, just relish in the fact that I bought this and then returned it a couple days later. 💀

Pokemon Sword and Shield. As much as I love Pokemon and played these games, I have to admit that they missed a huge opportunity to make Sword and Shield great games. The story felt largely uninspiring, the "evil" team wasn't really even an evil team and was boring, and the games by this point to me are uh, honestly forgettable. They're even worse than Scarlet/Violet imo, and those had tons of bugs and glitches when they first released.

Xenoblade Chronicles X. I have to say first and foremost that I never played this to completion. The soundtrack is really good, but the gameplay and story felt lacking at times.

Animal Crossing: City Folk. Genuinely my least favorite entry in the AC series, I can't imagine what they were thinking with this one. New Leaf and even New Horizons are miles and miles better. Heck, even WILD WORLD was better than this.
City Folk 😭
I suppose it is way too similar to Wild World, but it’s still Animal Crossing so to me it does not deserve the hate
Pokemon Scarlet/Violet seems to be mentioned in this thread a few times. I understand the hate, but to me, it's one of the most underrated games in the series. And it's not just because of a certain character in its DLC... Behind that overpriced, glitchy exterior there's a fun story, great characters, lots of Pokemon I thought were fab (especially Ogerpon)... I could go on if I wanted to but that's getting off-topic already.

On to the worst games I've played... Actually, all I can think of are those "simulators" on Roblox. I hope those count... They're repetitive, boring, and about as money-hungry as any free-to-play app. Any game like that gets me easily overwhelmed. (I know they're called "experiences" in Roblox now but I consider myself an old-school player (I joined in 2016) so I'm used to calling them "games")

Speaking of which, I guess I could say the same for the whole platform in general. Once again, I hope that counts. With its current state, I don't plan on coming back any time soon. I'm not sure how to describe it, though...it's like Roblox lost the charm it had when I first joined.
I'm gonna say CubeWorld because it was an unfinished game and despite the fact that the devs promised they would update the game, they never did, they took the money and ran... RIP CubeWorld and all its potential
I don’t know if this was The worst one of all the games I played, but might be pretty close: Fate/Extella. I’m not a fan of the dynasty warriors gameplay, but the story is what I honestly disliked the most. I played one other game that was like dynasty warriors and whilst the story was disappointing in its own way, it was still pretty solid or more so than Fate/Extella. The way they have the characters talk to my character made me a bit uncomfortable too.
i think i was expecting more from matrix awakens: an unreal engine 5 experience. thought the rest of the game would be more like the opening cutscene but it was just walking around, flying and buildings
I know this isn’t the consensus but I honestly think the original NES Legend of Zelda is on the list. You know how people talk about how garbage gen 1 Pokemon is now? I don’t understand how people think the original Zelda aged any better at all, hell I think it aged a lot worse. I don’t think it’s fun even with guides, the puzzles are dumb, the gameplay is stiff and it just doesn’t have the world/writing

Bubsy 3D I shouldn’t have to elaborate on and it’s not even funny anymore, it was kinda funny years and years ago but it’s not like Sonic 06 where it’s a gift that keeps on giving

Quest For Camelot on GameBoy lmao if you saw this on NSO you’ll probably get it. It’s just another horribly designed old game

The GBA version of Spyro: A New Beginning gives off bootleg vibes, no replay value, tiny game, nothing combat where you can just stunlock the enemy, disposable level design. It’s also quite ugly and even something as simple as the volume slider isn’t coded right (actually turn up the volume on your console and you’ll clearly hear music at what is supposedly volume 0). Waste of time and doesn’t really have any reason to exist

World of Warcraft is honestly hot garbage and I’m not afraid to say it. Every version of it. It might be a personal vendetta as someone who hurt me bad roped me into that, but I really don’t care.
I know this isn’t the consensus but I honestly think the original NES Legend of Zelda is on the list. You know how people talk about how garbage gen 1 Pokemon is now? I don’t understand how people think the original Zelda aged any better at all, hell I think it aged a lot worse. I don’t think it’s fun even with guides, the puzzles are dumb, the gameplay is stiff and it just doesn’t have the world/writing

Bubsy 3D I shouldn’t have to elaborate on and it’s not even funny anymore, it was kinda funny years and years ago but it’s not like Sonic 06 where it’s a gift that keeps on giving

Quest For Camelot on GameBoy lmao if you saw this on NSO you’ll probably get it. It’s just another horribly designed old game

The GBA version of Spyro: A New Beginning gives off bootleg vibes, no replay value, tiny game, nothing combat where you can just stunlock the enemy, disposable level design. It’s also quite ugly and even something as simple as the volume slider isn’t coded right (actually turn up the volume on your console and you’ll clearly hear music at what is supposedly volume 0). Waste of time and doesn’t really have any reason to exist

World of Warcraft is honestly hot garbage and I’m not afraid to say it. Every version of it. It might be a personal vendetta as someone who hurt me bad roped me into that, but I really don’t care.
Quest for Camelot being released on the GB Online service really confuses me. Tried it once and instantly hated it. First of all why are the cutscenes and title screen silent? Second, what made this game more special and important to release on the service instead of something like Shantae which pushed the GBC to its limit and has graphics that still hold up very well to this day or any of the GB Mega Man games which are still popular among fans of the series?
I think I'm just easily entertained, always look at the positives in a game, and am a weirdo who actually enjoys dialogue, so I actually can't think of any games I actively really dislike. I do have a handful I'm not interested in playing ever again, but don't feel any emotions towards, positive or negative.

The top games for me would probably have to be Pokemon BDSP because its just a worse version of the original games and was a massive disappointment, and maybe the original harvest moon I just found boring and confusing?
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity, which was jarringly childish compared to Explorers of Sky and absolutely crammed with toxic positivity. 😭 And kind of problematic in some instances, like iirc Gurdurr was a builder who suffered a permanent, debilitating back injury that left him unable to do work like he used to. He became heartbroken and turned to scamming people to get by, until he had a change of heart thanks to the main characters. So like, he found another, similar career that still made him happy, right? Maybe like an architecture designer, or he focuses on running shop while his Timburr assistants do the hard physical labor that he's no longer able to do? NOPE, he just needed to try harder and think positively 🙃 one change of mindset and he's running around building houses again like nothing ever happened.

This is coming from someone who's painfully idealistic and hates bittersweet outcomes to the point of indecision, but the game's continual rejection of any realistic, pragmatic, or god forbid, slightly cynical thinking in favor of "just think positively!!" (to the point where thinking any other way was literally causing the apocalypse) felt shallow and deeply patronizing. actual worlds away from how heartfelt and moving EoS was
I always gravitate to saying Superman 64, because when I was super young my cousin rented it and it was just bad. I was too young to play, but I remember how frustrating it was to play and that it brought him to tears because he couldn't pass level 1. The AVGN actually did a video on this and it is hilarious.

But lately, the games that I find the worst are ones that I am actually looking forward to only to be let down by decisions that could've been avoided if the company actually put more thought or passion into the game. Tales of Symphonia's remaster was a cashgrab port that lags worst than the original system it was ported to.

Tears of the Kingdom and Breath of the Wild are fun, but I don't...I just can't get into it like others are. Everyone hyping it up like it's the best Zelda out there, but I just don't feel it. It's too bogged down by collecathon quests, korok seeds, and shrines. I hated it in botw and I am still not a fan of it in totk. As far as overworld exploring games go, other games have tackled this much better. Skyrim, Witcher, ect. And the world is so massive, but there's not much there.

I also don't get what happened to all the guardians. Those were one of the things in botw that were actually scary and fun. And it's like the game devs decided to pretend they never existed. The game is far from bad, but it's just not doing it for me, which is probably why I got it in May of last year and still have only done 2 'dungeons'