Would you catch/keep giant beetles in real life?

I would love to try catching and keeping beetles, but if I missed I think I would scream and go cry in a corner lmao
I'm pretty averse to insects and creepy crawlies, but I've always been fairly okay around beetles. I think it's because they aren't slimy or slithery and they aren't generally bothersome. They just kinda hang out and look cool, and that's fine by me--as long as they don't touch me, haha. So... yeah, I doubt I'd catch and keep one. I'd just kinda... admire them... from a distance.
I wouldn't mind having a pet beetle. :) I think the big beetles look really cool and I wouldn't be afraid of them either. The only thing is that I wouldn't know what to feed them but I would do research before catching one that's for sure!
Bugs really creep me out... I might like catching them in AC but I'd prefer to stay far, far away from them in real life!
NOPE NOPE NOPE. I'd love to look at one from a distance, but I could never keep a beetle as a pet. Too cockroach-like, and I loathe cockroaches.

I would totally keep a giant butterfly though. They're purdy~
If I could make as much money on them as ingame then heck yeah I would!

Also interesting you should say that about june bugs, the giant beetles like in the picture creep me out but I'm actually really fond of june bugs. I love letting them crawl all over me and watching them fly.

Also, you have the BEST AVATAR EVER. Sokka is my favorite! <3 :D
long answer short


I love large insects, Bugs in general IMO are just the cutest
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No way! Bugs & I just don't mix. I try to stay as far away from them as possible.
Yes I would if I could. Bugs have always been fascinating to me still I've been little. Last butterfly garden place I went to had a walking stick the size of my hand. He was really cool to hold. I'd really like to breed the endangered Queen Alexandra's birdwing butterflies in animal crossing. I'd like to get them off that endangered list. Not gonna happen though as their illegal.
I would if I had the chance, especially since they're harmless.
I think it's pretty awesome that you keep these beetles! Personally I would never keep bugs. Idk they just freak me out, especially when they are that big! (they're beautiful though)
Sure i'd catc them (they're cool) but I'd let them go to be free. Take a pic to document
Major points to you and anyone else who likes insects though. I just personally am very squeamish when it comes to them, so I would never in a million years want to own an insect as a pet. I have to ask my dad to take care of spiders I find in my room and I almost started crying when a black bee decided to follow me around outside.