Would you catch/keep giant beetles in real life?

I wouldn't even try to catch them, let alone keep them! Ugh. Keeping a big box of cockroaches for my lizards was bad enough, I'd never actively go looking for giant bugs :p
short answer: no
Long answer: NO

I'm terrified of crickets even I could not handle a giant monster beetle ;;
Definitely no. LOL I'm so creeped out by bugs :< it looks cool in-game but I'd probably die in real life. =))

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That picture though D: *shivers*
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If I could make thousands off of catching one, heck yeah I'd catch them
but life isn't ac and they can probably hurt me
I'm not a big fan of insects. Even if those big beetles are really harmless to humans, I still wouldn't go near them. On the other hand, I think the only insect I wouldn't mind having around are dragonflies. I actually find dragonflies to be pretty fascinating.

Similarly to the big beetles, they look intimidating due to their large sizes and looks like it has something that it can attack you with if it doesn't like you. Dragonflies are 100% harmless - those things at the end is a long tail, not a stinger. Getting injured by one is highly unlikely as the only way for that to happen is for it to bite you - which will only happen if you don't handle it with
care and do something silly like pushing your finger against its mouth which will naturally cause it to bite you. Most dragonflies aren't strong enough to bite through human skin, a few are but they aren't poisonous.

I've encountered several, and found most of them to be pretty friendly myself. I suppose in a sense, you can actually befriend dragonflies. They seem know who you are and they'll approach and/or even land on you if they deem you harmless. Or maybe they're just trying to find a safe resting spot for their next meal. They actually prey and feed on stuff that can be considered dangerous or a hazard to humans such as mosquitoes, bees, and smaller insects and are very fast and skilled in doing that. In the summer and in hot humid areas, dragonflies are pretty nice to have around. In a way, better than bug spray/repellent.
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I think if they were mounted in a frame I probably would. Bugs and I dont really get along unless its a butterfly :x
they look really cool (and i had no idea they were actually so big), but god, i wouldn't be able to sleep at night if i knew that thing was in my house, haha. i dont really like bugs inside, i like them outside where i know they wont come near me while im sleeping or cooking....o-o
I would definitely catch and keep them as pets! I used to have a rose hair tarantula who was a pretty sweet little bug. She was anxious though so getting to handle her was a little tough to coax her out.

But now, I have leopard geckos so I have to breed beetles since the prices of mealworms are getting outrageous. I have about a dozen breeding pairs now. They're cool and all but they don't live that long.
I wouldn't mind having beetles or mantids as pets. Spiders I couldn't do - they're neat looking, but I'm too apprehensive about actually handling them. When I was a kid I used to take in caterpillars, and my mom had a few containers for bugs because we kept crickets for our anoles. Sometimes they'd grow up into a butterfly, other times they died in the cocoon. It was fun releasing the survivors. :)
hell no i mean i love bugs but not these beetles i'd sell them for money instead
I love animals! In my case I would catch them, take a picture of them and set them free. I don't know what I would do if I kept them.
If they went into a museum that would keep them alive in a healthy environment like in the game, I would consider donating them.
I'd love to meet one in person and see how I felt! They're incredible looking - that horned hercules in your post is amazing, OP!! - but I know I'm horribly afraid of spiders, so I guess I couldn't be certain that I'd be comfortable around one IRL until I've tried it. I wonder where I could go to see one... I doubt a zoo would have them!
well, in real life I tend to leave nature alone...
animal crossing (all versions) are FAR from environmentally friendly
No, thank you. I think they are amazing, and if I'm outside with lots of space it's fun to see them. But that's about as close as I need to get!
Oh yeah, I remember looking the beetles up when I first encountered them,.since it was my first time really seeing such.bugs. I cringed at every pic, but they were still gorgeous <3

However, as far as me catching them in the real world?
Not to save my life xD
I really don't ever known anyone who loves bugs. Anyone.

But... well... happy for you ahaha
I can't imagine going near one of these things, let alone touching one.

They are pretty awesome though, it would be pretty cool to see one for myself. I'm quite curious to the 'beetle fight' thing, as I really can't imagine how they would fight.