Would you guys believe that...

I'm not sure..
I've sort of seen that before, in like, VCRs, but that's because the tapes were bad.
So I'm clueless. =/
LOL! My husband seen the video and he said i somehow made it look epic, especially with his mii running around.
IHateTheBellTree said:
Never happened to me before. You must have a *censored.3.0*ed up wii.

No i didnt screw up my wii, unless sitting on a shelf, looking pretty, is considered to be hazardous.

--edited to add quote--
Hmm, that's very wierd.. My DVD recorder used to make my local channels look like that, but we played around with the wires until it got better and it did.. So I would suggest looking at yours. GoodLuck.
Natalie: you see my wii condition?
Mike: Wii condition?
Natalie: i sent the link to your yim outbox o_o
Natalie: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NhqOurKIBGs
Natalie: im loosing the wii in the morning
Mike: ??
Mike: Video's being slow. What happened?
Natalie: course its slow, its 2:23
Natalie: im making the typed out report since i got a booked morning
Mike: And I didn't get an offline message either. o_o;
Mike: Is it the black lines on the screen?
Natalie: well i'll show ya the pictures and post them to photobucket
Mike: kk
Natalie: if its the ones going up and down, yes
Mike: Looks like a GPU problem or something.
Natalie: as i said in the forum i adressed it about
Natalie: it looks like one of those old-timy film reel lines
Mike: When did it first start doing that?
Natalie: 2 days ago, but it was only one or two lines, and didn't really bother me
Natalie: but then it multiplied like crazy
Natalie: think on how it would be 10 days from now o_o
Mike: And you have tested it on other television sets right?
Mike: Just to be certain?
Natalie: yep
Mike: (But I'm fairly sure it's a GPU issue).
Natalie: i hooked up the dvd player the same way that the wii was hooked up
Natalie: and it was clear
Mike: *nods*
Natalie: so he v and vcr isnt the problem
Natalie: so it was either the wii or the av wire
Mike: Have you played anything graphically intensive on it?
Natalie: so i took both, wii and wire, to gamecrazy
Mike: *nods*
Natalie: got my preorder, and tested it out there right afterwards... i said to skip the av wire, and just use their crap on my wii directly
Natalie: and the lines even showed up on their set
Natalie: they said, and i quote: "That is he damndest thing i ever seen o_O"
Mike: Not me. GPU problems tend to be a plague for the 360.
Natalie: so my wii got a 360 syndrom
Natalie: cool, so i can blame james
Natalie: :p
Mike: But it can happen to the Wii on occasion. It's rare (extremely rare). But it can occur.
Natalie: LOL
Mike: Well it's less annoying than the 360 one.
Mike: In the Wii's case, the system at least remains playable.
Mike: The 360 however just s**ts itself and gives you blinking red lights. :p
Natalie: lol
Mike: Although if bad enough the Wii can crash.
Mike: Incidentally though, all Wiis can produce screen artifacts. In fact, any game machine can.
Mike: Take mine for instance. My Wii does something that my (now broken) "Convertible-style" top-loader NES did.
Mike: Produces the screen and all just fine but there's vertical interference lines running down the screen, straight down.
Mike: Almost like someone's running a CB radio nearby or something.
Natalie: -nod-
Mike: Very faint lines (you can only see them if the screen is gray with a moving texture).
Mike: But that's normal.
Mike: Unfortunately. XD
well hopefully when you get it fixed it will not break agian >.<
maybe the wii wants payback cuase you put it on a shelf?it wants to feel more special

congratz on the baby too :]
lol ATI despises you. but they did provide Nintendo with a relatively low class card, considering the 360 uses a custom ATI GPU.