would you let anyone see ur internet history???? >___<

Only to very close friends, they already know how I am and wouldn’t be fazed by the content of my search history at all.

Everyone else though... would probably lose any sort of respect they had for me haha.

It’s nothing too awful, mostly just dumb and weird things.
I think I would be okay now if someone went through my history, but open up my old laptop from 7-10 years ago and I'd say hell no. I still have it, memories frozen in time lmao.

One time I left my phone in a truck at work and the some guy on the next shift found it and went through it cause I was dumb and didn't have a password. Hope you had fun looking through the pictures stranger.
I mean... I guess if they really, really wanted to? I don't think I've looked up anything odd lately, lol. They'll probably find a lot of Animal Crossing related searches and just see how often I'm on Netflix & Youtube, lol. I don't think I'd let them unless they had a really good reason though, mainly because I'm shy and like to keep my personal things private.
Even though I feel like the part of my internet browsing history that's retained would be boring to go through (since I run a fair amount of stuff through private browsing that I don't want in my browsing history, lol), I still wouldn't want anybody to see it. What I do on the internet is nobody's business but mine.
My internet history isn’t terrible, i’m just dumb and I google definitions a lot. But my photos on the other hand....hell nah
I wouldn't be upset about it because I don't do anything illicit (other than obtaining games, but everyone knows I do that), but I like having privacy
same reason I don't like people being in my room; I don't have anything to hide, but I like provacy

like, idc what my close friends do, they can go through anything they want, but anyone else would probably be a no
Nowadays, I'd be fine with it. Back when I was looking up less-than-G-rated pictures of hot guys, though...no :LOL:
To some, yeah. Like my sis sure. Not my parents thou just cause they'd over react to me being on websites. I don't really look up anythin bad. I look up refernce poses, definitions of words, colour hex codes, stuff like that. Also alot of music.

Like what Zeppeli said, I would rather they not thou cause I value my privacy alot, ESP from my parents who have violated that multiple times before.
There's nothing bad, but I still wouldn't because there'd be an overreaction about using places like forums.
yeah, there’s nothing on there that’s interesting anyway lmao just the forums, anime, and kpop
definitely no. there’s nothing bad but i still don’t like my privacy being invaded like that. >_<
If it were a close family member/friend then I wouldn't be too worried, they wouldn't find anything strange on my search history, the majority of it is online shopping and reviewing/researching holidays (not that I can go on holiday currently but I can still dream). It would be a firm no to anyone else though who requested to view it, even though I have nothing to hide (maybe the odd strange search every now and then but nothing awful) but I wouldn't want my privacy invaded by someone I wasn't close to.
Any time I want to look up something I wouldn't want other people to know about (nothing actually bad lol I'm just paranoid), I use incognito. So I wouldn't be too concerned about someone looking through my visible internet history, it's like 80% work stuff and then a little bit of this forum/social media/random harmless Google searches lol.
My full search history is me googling the spelling of common words 😅

But really I don't think I would mind too much if someone saw my internet history. I don't do anything bad, but I definitely probably spend some time doing things people might not expect from me like certain subreddits I visit or youtube channels I watch.

I really really hate when someone is watching me over my shoulder while I'm actively using my computer though because then I feel like I'm being judged *in the moment* and it's the worst.
For the past few weeks I’ve just been looking at buying a bird so it’s all bird history so I would let someone see it
I mean sure, if you want to see links to Canvas or online school assignments lol

Also a lot of my google searches are for words in French or scientific equations which I highly doubt anyone would care
One of my moms used to check my Internet history daily and my High School classmates hacked my phone years ago. In the latter case those kids used to gossip about everything they found. They actually doxxed this forum account too.

As disturbing as it is I don’t care anymore. I’m not ashamed about what I look up and I’m not going to let their judgement affect what I do online. Search engines and internet providers already track everything I do anyway.
Yea, I wouldn't mind though it'd probably be kinda lolzy...but overall nothing really I'd be embarrassed of.
I don't have anything incriminating in my internet history, but I still wouldn't feel comfortable letting anyone see it, especially if one does not respect the privacy of others.