um sure but probably not unless it was rly important or i got paid for it lmao. i search for some p weird stuff and i beed to clear out my browser..,, i dint use a privtr borwser that often snymore unlesd in browsning Rly Weird stuff lmao ,,, idk i would just b uncomfortable showing ppl
I just cleared it so no. But before- HELL NO My freind the other day sent me this link to spongebob- let me stop. I wouldn't let anyone from my school go through my phone because of the FANDOMN and stuff I like. But randomness star angers online and my close freind yes
I delete mine multiple times a day, for the sake of it, I like it being empty, but it's impossible due to it always registering the homepage. If not, no still.
I like to be able to find things I previously searched for in a lot of situations so I never clear my history or use incognito. I'm not really ashamed or embarrassed by anything in my history, but I probably wouldn't let anyone see it because it's not really their business?? Idk it just seems kind of personal to me regardless of what's in there so I just keep things to myself. I don't even let anyone else use my laptop at all because it just feels like a violation of privacy...
Nope. My iPad is where all my geography and religious research happens and maybe naughty, illicit activities. I'm soon going to get a computer solely for good purposes and not to let anyone see - especially now my high school has a device which tracks everything you do on the Internet in that device. o.o
hmmm...they'd have to understand that I search "certain" things just to see if it exists....I would however love to share the weird stuff I've found on pornhub....There is a legit non-sexual watermelon eating tutorial. and other weird non-porn related things.
I'd have to explain myself, before they do, but I'd be down for that.
The majority of it right now is TBT, cwseed, youtube, and google searches for ACNL stuff.
If there's anything too wild I use incognito but I'm the only one who uses my laptop so i don't really even know why I bother with that, actually.