Would you live in NYC?

Would you live in New York City?

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Dec 22, 2016
Would you live in NYC?
Why or why not?
Impossible to say since I've never been there. Probably should visit first before deciding to move there. ;)
I have this weird obsession with the city for an unknown reason.
Nah, I didn't even like visiting it that much. It's super loud and crowded and ick in my opinion.
No way. That's a huge step away from living in cornfield Ohio, and I don't think I could mentally handle that kind of transition. :/
Probably not considering the US. Dunno the exact state laws there... but yeah I probably at least wanna visit first.
Yeah, I would love to. I like cities and I think it looks particularly beautiful.
I would really love to live anywhere in America to be honest.
yeah. i have many friends in manhattan and it'd be cool to live there with them.
I'm sure the climate would be better than where I live (although I don't like being that close to the ocean), and the politics are certainly an improvement over how awfully Republican/conservative my state is... Still, I'm not sure I'd want to live in a big city. Chances are if I moved, I'd want to move to another city that is in between being too small and too big.

I hate loud/ crowded urban areas nor would I like to live in the USA because it's a huge target, New York is one of the biggest targets for atrocities such as terror attacks and I don't think I would like to be near that sort of thing.
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england is my city.

i really don't like any american accents (im sorry) so i would probably go insane
it depends on the conditions or whatever??? like if i were able to, then yeah sure, but if it was just about living there and i had to stress about affording rent in a tiny and sad apartment then uhh i probably wouldnt move there.....
england is my city.

i really don't like any american accents (im sorry) so i would probably go insane

Yeah I second that, I can handle it when it is in a reality show or a film but in real life...definitely a no.
it would be fun. god, i would love to live near broadway.
but it's just way too expensive realistically. i don't know how long i'd be able to handle it, either lol.
I'm convinced anyone who says "Yes" has never been to NYC.

Expenses and business aside, Nothing can ever make it worth having to smell the steaming piles of garbage everywhere you go. Absolutely not.
I'm convinced anyone who says "Yes" has never been to NYC.

Expenses and business aside, Nothing can ever make it worth having to smell the steaming piles of garbage everywhere you go. Absolutely not.

Heh, that was part of what I indirectly meant with my own trees comment. Yeah, way too many cities in their downtown area can stink because of pollution and/or garbage. I grew up just outside of Baltimore City. Baltimore doesn't seem to have the trash issues that NYC does, but it definitely has pollution stink. It's mainly the smell of the Patapsco River (that's the actual name of the river for the Inner Harbor) that is full of pollution from the shipping and probably previous years factory dumping. It's this pretty bad smell of salt water + fuel + dead fish that is pretty unique to Baltimore and even other cities built around shipping doesn't quite seem to have the same of.