Would you live in NYC?

Would you live in New York City?

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probably not since I dont like the cold that much during the winters lol I would be down to visit once in awhile tho.
i would like to someday if only rent wasn't so ridiculously expensive.. it's really pretty and i love the weather

I mean I'd like in New York, like somewhere not as populated and go visit NYC but I wouldn't live there. I feel that way about all large cities. I am not fond of them. I lived in a tourist destination and even though it wasn't a big one it was still too much. And having been to SF many times I know I wouldn't survive in a "big city" setting like that. Fun to visit sure, but not live. Plus I'd never in my wildest dreams be able to afford it.
I want to live there at some point in my life. I'm getting a business degree and just having a job in business in NYC would be super cool. Also the musical culture there is awesome. And I just love the city and the sense of community it has. I live in Canada, and NYC is one of the only cities in the US I'd want to live in.
Yeah definitely, I'm used to living in a city and every time I've visited NYC I've loved it.
It would be nice! I always wanted to adopt a rat as my pet. But for reals, I do like the city life. I used to live in Houston.
It would be cool to visit but I can't imagine actually living in a big city. Gives me anxiety just thinking about it haha.
I definitely would! As long as I don't have to live there permanently. I'd like to be there for a few years. I'd also like to be living in a kickass apartment while there, have a comfy job, and not worry about the expenses and crime and isolation of the big city. So... maybe not XD
Good god no. Too crowded, too smelly, too expensive. And it's in the US, you couldn't pay me to live there.
No. It's a nice place to visit during the day because of all the sites & stores, but I'd never be able to live somewhere that loud & busy. I also prefer a more rural setting rather than an urban one.
No. I spend enough time in my local massive city to know I wouldn't want to live in one. Plus, I don't really want to leave Europe - it would be too big a change and I have no family or friends in the US so I'd be starting from scratch.