Writing Stories in the Calendars


Senior Member
Nov 24, 2010
Small Mailbox
3 Envelopes
I remember a long time back on ACGC I would write stories in the little notebook-calendar thing. Did you ever do anything similar? Did you write any stories of Animal Crossing? Did creativity thrill you with Animal Crossing?

I also remember writing multiple Animal Crossing stories in a few notebooks over the years, and if I could post a few here once I find them, I might.

An Animal Crossing Story: (written a few years ago in the AC planner)
An Animal Crossing Story
Jesse Downing

It was dawn. Jeff was walking down the quiet acres of Agricola. He came to acre B3. Bob's house was on the left and Jesse's the right. Suddenly he heard a rustle and growl in the bushes . He jumped up in shock and ran into Bob's house. He ran down into the basement...... BAM!!! He was hit in the head with a pan. "AHA! So you're the one who's been taking soda out of my pop machine," Bob exclaimed. Jesse was lying behind an ice chest asleep. Jeff looked up. "Huh...? Who are you two? I was just running past the railroad track trying to catch my balloon. Then I heard a huge whistle blow so I jumped onto some brick thing and rushed past some asleep monkey and ran in here!" Jesse looked up. He blinked twice. He couldn't believe it.
Another person in Agricola...

Jesse called om Nook to arrange a house for Jeff to stay in. When Nook asked Jeff to pay for the house, Jeff was confused. "I'm only staying until the train comes next week so I can go home," he said. Tom Nook recommended staying with either Bob or Jesse so he wouldn't have to pay a rent. So Jeff called Bob, and Bob called Jesse and they decided to all stay the night at Jesse's house. That night, Jesse set his house all up. TV and video games. Bean Bags... AND YOU SHOULDA' SEEN THAT BASEMENT!!!! Jesse put all his old stuff in there. Though, he set it up so you could go through it. They were all having fun playing the GamecubeTM and then they wanted to watch TV. A commercial was on, but it caught Jeff's eye. Jeff's eyes widened. This was definitely an important commercial...

"Animal Crossing - The game that's happening whether you're there or not..." the TV commercial. Jeff looked over at Jesse. His eyes blurred... and everything just-- changed........ It looked like it had shown on TV! Jeff saw it now! This is Animal Crossing! Everything went blurry again. Then Jeff found himself in his bed on Saturday morning. "Jeff dear, you have mail," his mother called as Jeff went downstairs to the kitchen. He got the letter and opened it. It read, "Hey Jeff! Come and visit us again! Later, Bob and Jesse". Jeff blinked twice to reassure himself. "Hey Mom, could I possibly get the game Animal Crossing?" "I don't see why not." Jeff had a feeling he was going to see Bob and Jesse again vert soon.....

The End
Your stories are cute, I like them^^ I never really wrote in my notebook/calendar but I would put down birthdays of my friends and family members. Sometime I'd use it as a diary but I never really got into it.
I use it as a daily diary to this day. It helps me look back at what I did and is a wonderful way to revisit nostalgia.
@Kaiaa Thank you very much! ^^

@m12 I had started using it as a diary a while back, and that's how I came across my story again, after running into the months with it written. It's fun isn't it? XD
I did it a few times when I found a notebook that I liked. Actually, when no one was on the room, I would write in there who I was crushing on at the time. NO ONE ever thought to look in there for my secrets. ^_-
I never really used it all that much. Sometimes I'd write random crap in it like all the weird little smiley faces, but I never really cared for using the calendar much. It's a shame, because now that I'm a lot older, I'd probably have done something like you @M12.