Yep, I have to send my wii in.

Furry Sparks

Senior Member
Mar 28, 2005
I have that problem with the GPU overheating something like that, and it makes static... so I have to get my wii fixed. One thing, they said I could keep my virtual data... I know that means my VC stuff, but does that mean I keep my saves? Oh well, I can back them up on my SD card anyway.
I'd back them up to be safe. Anyways, that sucks that you gotta get a new one... but at least it happened while you still have a warranty.
Mine hasn't had a problem yet however I keep worrying that it will eventually. But it doesn't feel very hot it just feels warm in WiiConnect24 mode which I'm pretty sure is completely normal. Also I would go with what Darth said back-up all your data just in case

I call it turn off wii connect 24


but that sucks, hopefully you get it back soon, but i wouldn't worry. Nintendo is built around customer service.
I have that problem with the GPU overheating something like that, and it makes static... so I have to get my wii fixed. One thing, they said I could keep my virtual data... I know that means my VC stuff, but does that mean I keep my saves? Oh well, I can back them up on my SD card anyway.
=P Someone else had the problem! lol I hope you get it back, I got the black chopped up screen o' death.