Yes Never OK Jobs

It’s not sustainable and I haven’t done voice lessons in years.

OK--I wouldn't want to be one for something as important as medical and legal, though. I'd be too afraid of making a big mistake.

Preschool teacher?
Nope, I can't do facial expressions and my voice doesn't project emotions

Voice actor?
OK—I have pretty high standards when it comes to voice acting and I certainly don't think I meet them, but I wouldn't turn down an opportunity to voice a Pokemon, or something like that. A more serious role, no.

Pastry chef?
Never. I'm not good at being purposely funny and the amount of makeup they have to wear- no thanks xD

Digital designer?
Probably not. The best I can do digitally is something like this.

Sports coach?
I’d love that, but I’d be better at hockey in particular.

Cashier at a fast-food?
I guess it would be ok. Although with how rude people can be during retail cashiering I can’t imagine how they are in food service

ICU nurse?
oof I have mad respect for people who do that, I couldn't. It's way too stressful.

dog trainer?
no no no. i love dogs but im afraid one of them would bite me, one time my family had a trainer over for my dog and he flipped out on them.

walmart employee?
It's not beneath me to take a job to feed my family, but I would not look there first, so no thanks.

Twitch streamer?
One of my friends is a Twitch streamer and I could not do it. I just lack the attention span to play the same game for hours.

School janitor?
I hate cleaning, so no. also I'm bad at it.

esport player?
Ok! I think I could do it but I would hate all the pressure of it. Not a first choice, but I would do it.

Nah. I purposefully tend to be neutral to current issues due to religious reasons, and stay away from the media for personal reasons. Not for me.
